Deb Carr, Editor and Publisher of Sydney Chic grew the blog to be found under the search term "Sydney lifestyle blog" to rank #1 on Google in less than 10 months. Deb loves blogging, it is her passion, her drive and her expertise. Whether you want to learn to blog yourself, hire Deb to grow your blog or learn how to promote your business on social media, then you have the opportunity to learn from someone who has proven to have the skills and know how.

3 hour one on one or with up to ten participants. Learn how to streamline your social media for your business, create interesting visuals, create videos and find great content and then how to set up systems that will make your social media not only easy but fun.

No time to handle your own social media? Then let Sydney Chic handle it for you. Packages start from $500 per month depending on your needs and we include a small advert on Sydney Chic. We can create the content for you, or share your content.

Three hour session on blogging for profit, fun, business or to raise money for charity. Deb will teach you how to blog and help you set your blog up.

Deb has experience creating blogs for other businesses and growing them. This service includes writing posts, building the blog if required, marketing the blog online and building relationships with PR & brands to help attract collaborations.
I completed the Learn to Blog with Deb Carr last week. Deb was fabulous, the information was easy to follow and I feel confident in setting up the software and apps required. Deb has a relaxed fun style of teaching and I enjoyed the classes and the interactions with other learners.
Angela Meyer

Deb Partner's with Out There Branding who supply a range of marketing merchandise including media walls, banners, technology and much more. Out There Branding specialises in VIDEO BROCHURES.
We can also arrange for the Video, Editing and Graphic Design.
For information contact Deb Carr