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August 2017 Horoscopes by Jennifer Angel

Astrology Leo

August 2017 Horoscopes

By Jennifer Angel

August 2017 Overview – A powerful month that can shift your life!

With two eclipses, lunar on the 7th and solar on the 21st, Mercury retrograde, a magical connection between the Sun and Jupiter, August is a powerful month where your life can shift. However, in the process of change, don’t forget that any change is unsettling, and sometimes, it’s not until you look back that you can see how the changes have really influenced and worked in your life.

The first week, with Uranus going retrograde can present developments you don’t expect. However, with Jupiter squaring Pluto, it does help to keep things grounded in a way that you are able to make decisions, based on fact, as well as emotions.

Venus will be opposite Pluto, another trigger to get things moving, with love or money, in a powerful and transformational way. And as Saturn comes out of retrograde later in the month, prepare to let go of old beliefs values and outdated situation. Shortly after, Saturn interacts favorably with abundant Jupiter, this is an indication that what takes place now will be long-lasting.

An interesting month, that can literally pick you up from on spot and put you in another. Keep an open mind and heart and get ready, as much as you can, for what comes next. Be conscious of change and anticipate the best!


With the influence of the eclipses, love, friendship and business connections are all in your stars this month, get ready for romance! However, work and family are also on the agenda so you will need to balance your time between everything and everything. Watch for Mercury retrograde, make sure you organized to stay productive.


Eclipse magic and madness focuses your attention on both your work and home environment. Pay attention to family needs, but don’t neglect your work. What happens this moth can change your game-plan. Life can be hectic now, but the result will be worthwhile. With Mercury retrograde, if you are doing any negotiation, ensure you are all on the same page.


As the eclipses fall in the areas of your chart that relate to knowledge and creativity, you’re in your element. You can put new creative projects into action now. And whatever you do can also be profitable. For love, with Saturn out of retrograde, you could be making a commitment. Mercury retrograde is likely to affect family matters, be clear with your communication.


This month, it’s all about love and money. With the energy of both August eclipses, it is possible to change your financial status, and for the better. Keep a positive mind and expect the best out of life, no matter what is gain on at any one time. Sometimes the chips need to fall in able to be reset. You can gain a new realization of your life now, with both love and money.


Get ready to ride the roller coaster of life. This is an amazing time for Leo. The lunar eclipse in your sign on the seventh can change your status quo. The solar eclipse in your opposite sign on the 21st highlights love, passion and romance. Lucky opportunities head your way. However, with Mercury retrograde, don’t overlook a financial situation, keep your eye on the money.


Eclipse energy heightens your instincts, so pay attention to them. You will need to ensure your schedule and routine is in place, but allow for developments, anything can happen now. Pay attention to your wellbeing, and a pampering indulgence is good for the soul. A romantic introduction can come through a friend. And with Mercury going retrograde, it’s a good time for planning.


Friends are important to Libra. The networks of people you build are varied. This month with eclipses in your areas of connections and friendships, the people you meet now can be influential. However, be prepared to also let go of some people who no longer serve you. A work opportunity at work can be good for your cash flow. And if you’re looking for love, you can be in luck.


Eclipse energy can fast track your career or business. Get ready for change. But with any shift, there can be a little chaos while the pieces fall into place. The energy will also effect your home and family life. It’s like a domino effect, one area influences the other. Mercury retrograde, focuses attention on friends – avoid mix-ups. Money frees up, a past situation can clear.


Your grand plan for life can gather momentum now, and right in front of your eyes. However, be prepared to let go of anything not working so you can invite better and more productive, positive and profitable situations into your life. Communication is important, especially as Mercury goes retrograde, don’t assume anything. Connection with a soul love is possible.


Love goddess Venus, opposite your sign interacts with powerful Pluto. A love of great magnetism, a deep bond, with someone can take place. The eclipses, also support this and influence your financial situation. Both love and money are very connected for you right now. There is movement, development, unsettled energy and confusion, but it can lead to someone and somewhere amazing.


Eclipse energy is potent! Lunar eclipse in your love zone, sets your heart of fire. And solar eclipse in your sign and opposite, influences relationships. The energy opens the door for a new start in any area that has your greatest level of focus. Pay attention to our highest priority. Indulge in something that makes you feel fabulous. With money, be clear with your communication.


Working with others for material or monetary gain is possible, but be realistic about what can be achieved. Also expect changes this month, things may not finish as they start, but can end up better. Your keys to success are to be organized, work with inspired people and treat yourself to a pamper. The better you feel the more successful you will be. Love and friendship can literally transform your life now, be open to it.


Jennifer Angel

Jennifer is resident astrologer to one of America’s most successful celebrity and entertainment magazines – Star!

Perhaps most well known for her work in New York’s Daily News, with a following of over one million readers, Jennifer attracted even more followers at with weekly videos, articles, including predictions on celebrity couples, sports teams, mayors, and presidents.

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