Dark Things
By Myke
Emerging Artists Sharehouse - The Living Room
Reviewed by Ron Lee, CSP
Paedophiia, guns and violence were parts of Myke’s experience growing up in Texas in the 1980s.
Dark Things is a monologue and show about having been sold into child prostitution by his violent family, suffering from deep depression for 35 years and emerging with hope and an attitude to contribute to the happiness of others.
Our greatest perceived voids determine our highest values, and people who have experienced trauma felt out of control at the time. A way in which they can feel like they’re in control of their lives is to learn skills.
Myke became a goth and ran away to learn the bizarre circus arts that include macabre magic. In the show he juggles knives (living a life in danger), he does the straightjacket escape (breaking free from a seemingly impossible, hopeless situation), he hammers a four-inch steel nail into his nose and puts his hand into a steel animal trap (shows that he is resilient, can handle pain and come through it). The catharsis is tangible.
Part of Myke’s voids/values dynamic is to ensure that his family is safe and happy.
Dark Things is a show with which many people will identify and they will be inspired and entertained. Especially these days, Myke is probably making a bigger difference than he realises.