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July Horoscopes by Jennifer Angel

July 2019 Horoscopes


By Jennifer Angel


A new development at home or with family can take place this month, especially as the solar eclipse is in this area of your chart, so get ready for a discussion. However, with Mercury retrograde, be mindful to think things through, especially as you are likely to be the person everyone goes to for advice. If a discussion is overdue, then by the end of the month you won’t be able to put it off any longer. Nor do you want to, especially if it’s a deep and meaningful chat with someone close that can set the record straight. The lunar eclipse mid-month focus your attention on your professional life and can be the start of a new phase. However, be mindful that to start something new you will be required to let something go. Love is intense and if you are looking for romance, then make room for someone to enter your life as cupid’s arrows are aimed in your direction.


There’s a good chance that certain changes that are well overdue will occur this month but be careful not to get too emotional. Instead, step outside of your life and be an observer to witness the events taking place. Being level-headed when everyone else is frantic can put you in a position of power. The energy of the solar eclipse right at the beginning of the month gives you an opportunity to see someone or something in a new light and armed with new information you can make more informed decisions. The lunar eclipse mid-month encourages you to go inwards and think of your soul purpose. What is it you want to do from this stage on? Make plans to redirect your life in that direction. Having a heart-to-heart talk with someone may be unavoidable, but keep in mind that Mercury goes retrograde, so tread carefully if it is a sensitive topic. Don’t rule out any possible outcome and no matter what is happening, stay positive!


This is a good month for business! With the energy of the solar eclipse you are able to think through money making opportunities to get the best deal for yourself, both on a financial and creative level. Also, with the lunar eclipse mid-month, you can bring an official matter, that also relates to finance, to a close in some way. However, Mercury, your ruling planet, does go retrograde so don’t get too concerned if things seem to be moving slower than you’d like. But opportunities do head your way now, and even if you are moving forward with the handbrake on, exciting things are in store for you. Love and romance are highlighted, and you can expect some hot passionate moments, but beware of clashing with someone over what could be a petty matter. Keep the big picture in mind and remember that some things are just not worth the conflict. If you can turn a blind eye then an irritable moment can quickly pass.


This is a powerful time for Cancer! The solar eclipse in your sign, right from the start of the month makes it a magical and highly prosperous time for you. But before you put your order out to the universe, it’s important that you know what it is you want to attract. The full Moon lunar eclipse mid-month is opposite your sign and all about relationships. You can let go of a past love, renew love, or just be open to meet someone fabulous to watch the sunsets with. In short, this eclipse can be the catalyst to start or finish something; one way or another, you can expect your life to be different. News of money or the prospect of additional funds becoming available can come through this month, but be mindful that Mercury goes retrograde, so whatever you have planned, can take longer than anticipated. Keep your spirits high, even if things are delayed, they will still come through. Stay focused on the end result, the big picture.


As the Sun moves to Leo later in the month, it’s Birthday time! Mars is also in your sign intensifying life and putting some urgency on moving forward, but with Mercury sitting in Leo, too, and going retrograde, this can cause some frustration if things don’t move as quickly as you would like them to. Don’t try to force something that isn’t ready, instead, chill and let life move at its own speed. There is plenty of activity going on. The solar eclipse on the 2nd in the sign before yours, heightens your intuition and visualizations – perfect for goals setting! The lunar eclipse mid-month can play havoc with your day-planner; however, it’s a message to get more organized on a daily basis and with a routine, especially looking after yourself with your mind, body and spirit. Use this month to get your mind straight with what it is you really want to do. Remember, if you want your life to be different, then make changes and decisions so your life is different!


This is an extremely social time with emphasis on your personal life. Your solar chart is super charged with a solar eclipse in your area of friendships, making it a positive time to get out and socialize. You can connect with exciting people now, some of whom could stay in your life for a lifetime. Work is busy but be careful not to put additional pressure on yourself, and instead, work as a team to spread the load. The lunar eclipse mid-month can open the energy doors for you to meet someone amazing, and out of the blue, but be prepared to cut the ties with someone else first. Those in a relationship can deal with past issues and clear the energy. And if you’re single, meeting someone at your place of work or at a function is all very possible right now, too. Above all else, this month, be careful to pay attention to your instincts and trust your intuition.


This is a positive time for Libran at work. Planetary influences help you move your career into a new phase or make changes that will provide progress or make life easier in some way. However, be mindful that things often get difficult first during the clearing process before they get better. But either way, there are new great things happening for you professionally with the solar eclipse in this area of your star-chart. Remember though, as Mercury is retrograde, there could be delays with the decisions you make. But don’t worry, a delay is not a cancellation so as far as you’re concerned, it’s business as usual. The lunar eclipse mid-month in a personal area of your star-chart focuses your attention on home and family affairs. Be careful, though, not to get pulled in and caught up in other people’s drama and ‘stuff’. Its’ a very social time now, so instead, surround yourself with positive friends and open your heart for love and fun.


News to move your career in the right direction can come through this month, but as Mercury goes retrograde, whatever agreements you decide upon may very well end up being delayed. You may also find that the details are unclear, so as much as possible, cover all your bases to get things locked down and don’t forget to read the fine print. As a Scorpio you’re an assertive person, but when it comes to handling and dealing with money, you are shrewd and in control, and that’s the way you want to keep it. Later in the month, around the 25th, watch for an opportunity that can be financially prosperous. The solar eclipse at the start of the month could have you packing your bags to travel – anything is possible. With life in general, this energy can get you thinking about your soul’s purpose, particularly where relationships are concerned, and if you’re single, can help you open up to meet a soul connection. The lunar eclipse mid-month encourages you to say something to someone that is long overdue but be careful, if it’s a sensitive topic, the outcome can be unpredictable.


July begins with Venus, the love goddess, opposite your sign in your love zone where romance is nurtured, and then quickly moves to the next sign where intimacy can be pleasurable. This can be both physical as well as emotional intimacy, where you share your deepest inner thoughts with someone. If you’ve been waiting on news concerning money, then this is the month it can happen. With both solar and lunar eclipses in your money zones, your financial affairs are on the radar! The solar eclipse at the beginning of the month is fortuitous for investments and, money you’re not expecting can make its way to you. The lunar eclipse mid-month prompts you to revisit your budget and reset your financials, the way you make, save and spend your money is under review – look at different systems that can help you stay on track financially.


This month’s eclipses directly affect you, Capricorn. The solar eclipse at the start of the month is opposite your sign in your love zone and as Venus, the Sun and Mars are all also in this area throughout the month, it’s definitely a big month for romance! The energy signifies the beginning of something new and wonderful. Spend some time on nurturing, pampering and preening yourself to get ready for love. Mid-month, the lunar eclipse in your sign can literally rock your life, and although to change your life things inevitably get messy, especially as Mercury goes retrograde, but it is a sign you are evolving and moving forward. For some this will mean a quantum leap, so take a deep breath and work through whatever comes next, knowing it will lead you to a better and more amazing place. Unexpected money can come your way now, too, and lighten the financial load, relieving stress. With so much going on in your life right now, be wary of getting involved in things that will rob you of precious energy. Anything not on your priority list, reschedule.


Spending money on updating your image is likely, especially with the presence of Venus and a solar eclipse early in the month. Looking good often equates to feeling good, so time, energy and money spent in this area is a productive and positive expenditure. Passionate moments can set your heart racing, but don’t make the mistake of saying too much to someone – remember, Mercury is retrograde for most of the month and can cause chaos, confusion and misunderstandings. Also, there is a limit as to how much information other people need to know about your private business – don’t feel you need to share information if you are not ready to. The lunar eclipse mid-month will get you thinking about your life in general - where you are and where you want to be – this is a great time for planning and visualizing. Get out of your own way, Aquarius, and avoid limiting thoughts.


Anything to do with your health and well-being is under the microscope this month, looking great and feeling great, so be sure to look after your own needs before catering to everyone else. And as the solar eclipse falls in an area of your chart that can connect you romantically with someone wonderful, you will want to look and feel amazing! Your presence and popularity will be sort after on the social scene now, too, so make sure you also have some fun! However, don’t be surprised with the lunar eclipse energy that you decide to part company with friends who are just no longer on the same page as you. To get ahead with work, take time to get organized. You have options to consider, so be careful not to take on too much, which will hinder your availability to get involved with what could be an incredible opportunity. Mercury does go retrograde this month and can slow the progress, but it does give you valuable time to research, plan and strategize.

JULY 2019, Monthly Planetary Overview by Jennifer Angel

This month, let go and open to new possibilities while breaking through barriers of limitation.

Moving into July

Eclipses are the brightest stars in July, and the energy can literally move you out of where you are and into a new reality. And as such, some of you will experience a quantum leap in one or more areas of your life. Mercury will go retrograde, and the energy will give you a chance to review recent decisions and evaluate if they were right for you or if they now need further attention.

Week One – July 01 - 07

This week, on the 1st, commences with Mars making his way to Leo, where his energy is appreciated for the next six-week period. So, Leos will be run off their feel wheeling and dealing, making their dreams come true, while the rest of the signs will bask in the electric energy, some making plans, others reflective of past event.

The next day, July 2nd, a total solar eclipse in Cancer, a time when new ideas, plans and options for nurturing your life can be birthed, especially as Venus will also move to Cancer on July 3rd for a four-week transit. Venus’ energy is compatible in Cancer, where the focus will shift to relationships and money matters in a favorable way.

At the end of this week, on the 7th, Mercury, the thinking planet of communication, commerce and creativity, will enter its second retrograde transit for the year through to the end of July. During this time, Mercury will spend part of his time in Leo and then back track to Cancer - a time to research and further develop the plans you started earlier in the year.

Week Two – July 08 – 14

Early in the week the powerful Sun will be right opposite Saturn, the hard task-master, and this once a year planetary aspect can have you doubting your recent decisions. Be careful of changing plans right now, especially with Mercury retrograde. If possible, and in a perfect world, you would be best to leave major plans till August. If not possible, then double-check everything.

At the end of the week, the Sun will also be opposite Pluto, the power planet. During this time, although things can get intense, the energy can push you right out of your comfort zone and get you thinking about your next move. However, do be careful of getting involved in power plays. And if it doesn’t concern you, then a good rule of action is to steer clear, and not get involved.

To add even more challenges and chaos to this week, Mars and Uranus will interact in a rebellious aspect on the 11th, and this is definitely a time to watch your step, physically as well as emotionally. When Uranus is involved, things can come out of the blue, and with impulsive, assertive and sometimes aggressive Mars involved, and as this is a difficult aspect, then you can be blindsided. Take care, avoid risks, and don’t get involved in anything or anyone that seems intent on being cantankerous and aggressive.

Week Three – July 15 - 21

This month’s full Moon, a partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn, focuses your attention on business and setting agreements in place that will last the test of time. Past issues, especially if you have unfinished business, can come up now, too. At all times, make it your intention to operate on the highest level of integrity.

Venus in Cancer will be opposite Saturn in Capricorn on July 17th, and opposite Pluto on the 21st, and taking into account the eclipse and Mercury retrograde, it’s a good time to lay low with life, love and money. However, on another note, all this energy can spring board you to a new and exciting position, you just need to wary of who with and how you proceed – trust your instincts.

Venus and Neptune lighten the energy on the 18th, and heightens love and romance, although you may want to check how serious a love affair is and decide instead to just enjoy the love ride. The next day, the 19th, Mercury will do its backward retrograde transit from Leo to Cancer. If you feel the need to have a heart-to-heart with someone, then things could get emotional, especially as the Sun connects with Mercury on the 21st!

Week Four - July 22– 28

The Sun will make its presence known in Leo on the 22nd, a great time for self-development in the way of boosting your self-esteem. This is also a great time to get involved in creative ventures. Mid-week on the 24th, Mercury in its retrograde transit, will connect with Venus, opening gateways for opportunities and discussions with both personal and professional affairs. In other words, the focus is on love and money. Shortly after, on the 27th, Venus will Join the Sun in Leo, signifying a time to have fun and enjoy yourself.

Week Five - July 29– 31

Uranus in Taurus, the planet of unpredictability, challenges the Sun in Leo on Monday 29th, and a clash of these fixed signs can cause stubbornness and power plays. However, thankfully, the new Moon in Leo on the 31st brightens things up right at the end of the month along with a positive connection with beneficial Jupiter.

Moving into August

The first week of August, Uranus and Venus will clash on the 2nd and there can be incidences you may not be able to avoid, especially if it concerns finances or relationships. On a positive note, Mercury comes out of retrograde and begins its journey back through Cancer to Leo and life continues to move ahead, but now, with less friction and confusion.


Jennifer is resident astrologer to one of America’s most successful celebrity and entertainment magazines – Star!

Perhaps most well known for her work in New York’s Daily News, with a following of over one million readers, Jennifer attracted even more followers at with weekly videos, articles, including predictions on celebrity couples, sports teams, mayors, and presidents.


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