Malevo - Sydney Opera House
Director and Choreographer Matias Jaime
Sydney Opera House Concert Hall until January 21
Photo credit Jordan Munns
Reviewed by Ron Lee, CSP

If you crave a production that’s high-energy, fast-moving and passionate, Malevo could be the show for you. The performers possess and exhibit sublime skills and seemingly endless endurance. I became exhausted just watching it.
The thirteen testosterone-charged shirtless male dancers explode onto the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall stage in tight black pants and Cuban heels, and then it all starts.

Created by director, choreographer, and dancer Matías Jaime, the dance routines fuse Malambo with flamenco and urban percussion. Set to a pulsating rhythm of drums, the choreography combines the use of boleadoras, leather and stone hunting tools used by the Gauchos, with fast leg movements, energetic zapateados (stomping), and quick cepillados (“brushing”/”scrubbing”).
There's a lot of precision drumming, a lot, and everything is superbly in sync. Also with perfect timing is the throwing around of balls at the end of leather straps, lots of balls. The choreography includes tap, Flamenco, soft shoe and no shoe. Apart from the 13 excellent performers there's a violin player, two drum kits and a man with an accordion and he's not afraid to use it. The boundless energy and skill are truly impressive.
Malevo is raw, primal, precise and slick.
The opening night audience was pumped and the standing ovation was an indication of its appreciation.