May Horoscopes by Jennifer Angel
If you’ve been waiting to be rewarded for all your hard work, then this month, your wish can be granted. As communication planet Mercury is influential in your chart, you can expect exciting news to come through! Money news also heads your way. The key to your material success now is to believe in yourself and eliminate any thoughts of limitation or unworthiness – if you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it – make this your mantra. A lucky break can come with work but stay positive and be productive to see it through; you can’t afford a negative thought. Work and money are your top priority now, but be open to love, an intellectual connection can become much more.
This is your time to shine! New Moon energy in your sign gives you a fresh start in some way, so take advantage of it in any way you can. Don’t ponder about the whys and why not’s for too long, when you see an opportunity, go for it. Mercury, Venus, Uranus and the Sun, also in your sign, can gives you a clear sign, a green light to move ahead. Later in the month, news can come through that you’ve been waiting on and creative ventures look positive. Mars in your financial zone indicates some urgency with money matters, but also a message not to get involved with risky business. The full Moon opposite your sign can open a love door, but you may need to close another door before you walk through.
The Sun and Mercury, your ruler, will both enter your sign on the 21st and the energy will help to shift anything outstanding to the surface so you can deal with it. And as Venus will join Uranus in the sign before yours towards mid month the combined energy will provide you with the insight needed to gain clarity as to how you feel about romance and relationships. At this time, you can formalize your introspective thoughts and start to make a plan of action. Friends can be supportive in many ways, but when it comes to your choice of an intimate partner, remember, it is your life to live. Money matters look favorable, but don’t jump into anything without first thinking it through. The key to success this month is be organized - make a plan and stick to it.
Social engagements and getting together with friends can lead to much more than what it seems on the surface. A love affair can branch out of a friendship, but communication in the way of being upfront and honest is needed to protect your heart. Some things will simply not be within your control this month and to get through unscathed, you need to be flexible and prepare to change your schedule, no matter how annoying a change in plans may be. When you can allow yourself to go with the flow you can end up in some interesting places. However, in saying that, with Mars moving to your sign mid-month, there can be a temptation to act impulsively, so remember to at all times to listen to your intuition
Your career zone is hot with activity and energy, and the new Moon can present opportunities, and when you least expect. Pay attention and watch for the signposts of chance meetings and coincidences that will lead you in the right direction. A family situation may need your care. And a monetary matter could require a renegotiation, however, with plenty of positive planetary interaction, your lucky stars can help you land on your feet. But in the process of doing a deal, but don’t be quick to look after everyone else, you come first. Your cup needs to overflow first before you can give out to others. In love, build a strong friendship connection.
Travel is in the stars, both short and long-distance journeys, and if you have a chance to mix and mingle with people from different cultures, you can progress in some way. Education is also highlighted as important now, and the more you can further your knowledge the more in demand you will be. Your advice will be greatly appreciated in regard to a family issue, but keep in mind that just because someone asks for advice it doesn’t mean they will act on it. There is good movement and development in your career zone this month, especially towards the second half of the month so be patient and allow things to fall into place. For love, look for a spiritual connection, a deeper interaction of the heart and soul.
This is a powerful time for Libra, with lots of opportunity and options to work with people, but you want to make sure you surround yourself with the right people. Other people, or businesses can be supportive with financial agreements during this time, or advise and help in some way, just ensure you know everything there is to know – read the fine print. With the presence of new and full Moons, you want to be cautious with money. It’s not a good idea to get involved in risky business. Don’t be bullied into doing anything you are not sure of. On the other hand, positive news and opportunities can come through that can be profitable, so you want to be open to receive, too. Venus in your zone of romance shifts your focus to love – make time for those you care about the most.
The new Moon, Sun, Venus and Mercury and Uranus all in your love zone focuses your attention on relationships - love is definitely on the radar! And Mars, your co-ruler, in your area of intimacy for the first half of the month will ignite your passionate senses when you interact with or meet someone you have an instant connection with. And during the second half of the month, the energy can trigger an emotional response that causes you to be reflective and thoughtful of how you feel and of your next move. Also, if someone has a hidden agenda, you will know it, it will be revealed to you in some way. For work and money, connections and your contacts are important, they can open doors for you.
Your health and wellbeing as well as your overall beauty and personal presentation get a shot of power, and as such, your attraction factor is potent so use it to your full advantage! The energy of the full Moon in the sign before yours, can reveal insights that help you come to decisions, particularly about relationships. You can also gain inner realizations about your overall dreams hopes and wishes in life and it’s important to stay true to you. With a work situation be prepared to make some compromises to get ahead and be open to restructure what you do and how you do it to incorporate new developments. Remember, if you want things to be different then you have to do things differently. This month, if you get organized, anything is possible.
As Mars moves to your love zone mid-month, make time for romance! Teamwork is advantageous now too, regardless of whether it relates to your personal or professional life. Keep in mind that the more influential people you can mix with the better your chances of advancing in all areas. As such, it’s a good time to get out to socialize and network. The full Moon in your social arena can heighten emotions and tension where friends are concerned. The energy can prove to be helpful in allowing you to part company with someone no longer serving you in a positive way – it’s a make-up or break-up energy. The Sun and Mercury both move to your area of productivity and encourage you to get organized with work. This is also the perfect time for an image revamp. A discussion with a friend can present great creative opportunities.
Full Moon energy can bring things to a head at work and give you a chance to revisit a situation so you can move forward in a more positive way. The first half of the month has movement and communications with creativity. The latter half, with the influence of Mars, you are likely to be run off your feet, so you will need to be super organized to keep up. Your home and family area of life has a new start in some way, so be open to what comes next.
Your love life is in the spotlight, and you can come to terms with what you want as well as what you won’t compromise on. You can attract attention now, but only if you want to, the choice is yours.
Your star shines bright this month! Be prepared to stand up and show the world who you are and what you can do, even if you do need to take a step out of your comfort zone. A new development at home or with family can work out better than you think so stay positive and be open to new concepts and developments. Money matters can come together now, too, but be careful to do you own research to get the facts, and not just hear-say. A creative venture gets the go-ahead. At work you can move a mountain of work, but to do so, be careful not to allow pesky interruptions. As the month progresses, romance gets stronger and more passionate – get ready for love.
MAY 2019, Monthly Planetary Overview by Jennifer Angel
April 29-30
The close of April, on the 29th, Saturn the planet of caution and stability, entered its retrograde transit for a four-and-a-half-month duration, which gives you a chance to review life, particularly business matters to ensure you’re heading in the right direction, your desired path. The energy provides you with a chance to make adjustments, and even a course re-direction, if need be.
Moving into May
Week one – May 01-05
The Taurus new Moon on Saturday May 4th brings stability for the month ahead. It is solid positive energy to commence the month of May with new beginnings that are based on reality. During this time, your focus is likely to be on money matters as well as looking after yourself in the way you nurture your body with good food and pampering. The next day, May 5th, as Mars and Jupiter challenge each other, there is a tendency to jump into things without first thinking them through. Past lessons can be presented now, too, so pay attention to situations that seem familiar, so you learn the lessons rather than continue to repeat them.
Mars in Gemini sharpens your thoughts and thinking so you gain more clarity on creative processes, which will enable you to move forward with strong and definite intentions. However, there is a word of warning: be organized, make a plan and follow through. It’s important with Mars in Gemini that you don’t take on too much, which can scatter your energies. Instead, be realistic about what you can achieve, so you are more productive.
Week Two - May 06 – 12
This week commences with Mercury, the communication planet, exiting the sign of Aries and entering the more deliberate thinking sign of Taurus. This will allow you to be more thoughtful about decisions rather than feel so frantic. However, on May 8th, when Mercury and Uranus connect, unexpected news can take you by surprise. Don’t take anything for granted. You will still need to do your homework and think through the end result that you desire to happen. Once you make up your mind about something, go ahead and make a decision, but keep in mind that you may not have the opportunity to back track and make alterations later on. In this case, so you will want to make sure you think through all the possible pros and cons.
On Tuesday 7th, when Venus challenges Saturn, situations can reappear and give you a chance to relook at something that happened in the past. This can provide you with an opportunity to clear the energy, once and for all. But at the same time, be careful not to take on other people’s drama or situations. Evaluate whose issue or problem it is, and if a situation has nothing to do with you, then don’t get involved.
Shortly after, on the 9th, a favorable and happy connection between Venus and Jupiter lightens the energy to help provide inspiration and positive thought. And as Venus will have a challenging aspect with power planet Pluto on this same day, it is important to stay as positive and optimistic about life as you can. There is another warning here not to get involved with business that does not concern you. Fortunately, as the Sun and Saturn interact nicely on the 11th, the combined energy can help straighten anything out that may have created intense emotional feelings.
Week Three – May 13-19
Monday 13th commences with a positive interaction between the Sun and Pluto, both powerful forces, and energy that can move you forward if you are ready and willing to step into a new reality. Two days later, on the 15th, when Venus makes her move to Taurus, one of the signs she rules, the energy can help you settle financial situations as well as manifest money. This is also an ideal time to get organized with romantic alliances and to open up to invite love into your life.
This same day, 15th of May, is also the day that assertive (and sometimes aggressive) planet Mars will make his way to watery Cancer. At the best, Cancer being a cardinal sign, coupled with action planet Mars, decisions can be made and followed through by putting them into action. On the other side, as Cancer can be a little moody, ruled by the changeable Moon, Mars can accentuate this and with impatience and irritability. The way to work with Mars in Cancer is to have a plan and productively work towards the end result you aim for.
The good news is, when Mercury interacts with solid Saturn on the 16th, the headway you make will be permanent, rather than flimsy, and set good foundations in place for the future. This is followed this with a positive interaction between Mercury and Pluto on the 18th, and the combined energy places a great deal of potent power behind whatever you are working on, Discussions can push things forward and, in the right direction.
The Scorpio full Moon on the 18th is potent, intense and transformational. The energy will help you come to realizations that are now crystal clear and so much that you can’t ignore them. It’s a time to get real, see it how it is, and if necessary, close doors so new ones can open.
Week Four – May 20-26
Early this week, the Sun and Mercury both make their exit from Taurus into Gemini. This energy is lighter, more reactive, chatty and faster paced, especially with ideas and thinking through solutions. This is also a great time for education, teaching, writing, creativity of all kinds and learning new skills.
week five - May 27 – May 31
Jupiter and Neptune are in a challenging aspect at the start of this week, and with the influence of Mercury the communication planet, the energy can encourage you to get real about your life. Consider your communications with others as well as with yourself so you can make firm decisions that feel right for you, and that you can move forward with in a positive way.
Moving into June
Love goddess Venus and transformational Pluto interact at the beginning of June on the 2nd, focusing your attention on relationships, and the intensity of your feelings.
Jennifer is resident astrologer to one of America’s most successful celebrity and entertainment magazines – Star!
Perhaps most well known for her work in New York’s Daily News, with a following of over one million readers, Jennifer attracted even more followers at with weekly videos, articles, including predictions on celebrity couples, sports teams, mayors, and presidents.