September Horoscopes by Jennifer Angel

MONTHLY HOROSCOPE - September 2019
By Jennifer Angel
A month to get clear about what you want and go after it with certainty and passion!
This month, with planetary traffic affecting your career zone, activity in the workplace can have you operating at full speed. Even if a change or restructure is to do with you and it is positive, it can still put you and everyone else operating in the fast lane. So, keep in mind that you may have to make allowances for others right now to not get caught up in other people’s ‘stuff’! If you made a decision in regard to your personal life last month, then it can move forward now in a more positive way. However, when love and romance are supported with communication and trust, a relationship can be all the sweeter. Be proactive about making your life happen for yourself – it’s up to you, Aries!
Love and work are top priorities now and it is possible to gather momentum in both of these areas of your life. But remember, knowledge is power and if you can be a people watcher and listen to what’s being said around the water cooler, you just never know what valuable and useful information you can pick up. Financial investments are favorable; watch for the signs and listen to your intuition to know what way to move and when. With love, be careful of saying something you don’t mean, it will be difficult to take back at a later date if you change your mind. A discussion with a loved one has the potential to alter the status quo of your personal life. Be prepared to work through any issues to arrive at the end of the rainbow.
The Full Moon mid-month prompts you to make a big decision on something to do with your career and in one way or another it will work out better for you. You can feel more ambitious than usual now, Gemini, especially with creative projects. And all this focus can end up boosting your bank account with more cash in your back pocket. If you’re in a relationship, it’s important not to let love get dull and boring. Work on keeping the excitement alive by organizing new and exciting things to do. For singles, you may want to start looking for love at different places than your usual hangouts and you might be pleasantly surprised.
Spending money on beautifying yourself is very likely this month and can result in putting you in a fortunate position on more than one level. However, don’t go overboard; impulsive spending can cause unnecessary stress. Putting your best impression forward in the business arena will show others that you are the right person for the job. And if love and money are combined, be strategic with how you go about approaching what could be a sensitive situation. It’s impossible to totally separate these two areas of life as they do go together on some level, but it may be necessary to set some guidelines to live by. At all times, follow your heart and vision for the future.
September’s new and full Moons signify a positive month for money. The Full Moon mid-month and new Moon towards the end of the month both bring opportunities for you to re-establish yourself financially and to start afresh. This is a positive time and a time for you to start making firm plans for the future. It’s a fresh start and it’s up to you as to how you want to proceed, so choose carefully! With Venus opening the door to engage in a conversation with someone special, it’s possible to connect or reconnect with someone wonderful in your life. No matter what is happening at any one time, it’s up to you to choose to move forward with confidence and certainty. Invite life in with open arms and an open heart.
Several planetary influences, including your ruling planet Mercury, indicate that you are in line for a new start financially. This is also a good time to have any outstanding discussions regarding money. If you’ve been struggling with a dilemma, then you can expect to gain more clarity this month. And if it concerns your home, family or domestic matters of any kind, things can work out positively. Full Moon energy can make this is a make or break time in your relationships, and as a Virgo, you are able to focus on fixing rather than breaking a situation. You are not a quitter in anything you do, and this includes love and relationships.
With the year racing ahead, things will start to get more hectic, Libra, so this is not a time to start procrastinating. Lucky for you, this month’s new Moon in your sign offers you an opportunity to forge ahead positively. However, it’s very likely you won’t have the amount of time you like to mull things over. Stay focused on the highest level of priorities. Deep realizations can give you some ‘ah-ha’ moments about life during this time and about love in particular. Prepare to change the way you think and feel about someone or something; a change of attitude can change everything. Be open to listening and accepting something or someone different into your life. If in doubt of which way to turn, trust your instincts.
Amicable relationships build a level of trust and respect amongst peers and superiors. This is a great month to put more focus and attention into making friends at work and with business colleagues, connections that will be valuable for your future. To increase business, draw upon the influential contacts that are already in your database and this will help you move forward in a positive manner. Full Moon madness mid-month can give your love and personal life a shakeup but don’t worry too much as it won’t have a huge effect unless something really needs to have a big adjustment, and then it will be a blessing. Singles can get a bolt of electricity straight to their heart center. Keep an open mind!
Saturn, in your money zone, comes out of retrograde and so will Pluto early October, so money matters should start to free up. However, be careful of splurging your cash away. Develop a discipline of saving some money and by the end of the year, you should be in a better place than you can imagine. Opportunity with new developments at work and with your career can take place now. And friends can be helpful and supportive in some way, too. Also, get a routine set of looking after yourself, because very soon you can expect to be busier than usual. Patience is the key to your love life right now. If it is not working out the way you want, it is only a matter of time before it comes together – be patient!
With a new Moon highlighting your career, this is the time when things on a work level can skyrocket to the stars. Spend time planning and getting organized to take something big to the next level. When you are in control, the sky’s the limit. There seems to be some urgency to get financial matters settled, don’t delay in getting your personal or professional business in order. Travel is in the stars, another reason to be super organized. If you’re single, it’s possible to connect with or reconnect with the love of your life during this time. Life is about priorities, and right now you may have greater responsibilities than love and romance, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect that area of your life altogether, after all, life is about balance.
Full Moon energy mid-month focuses your attention on finances and if something is not working for you as you’d like it to, then it can sort itself out now. And the new Moon energy towards the end of the month gets you thinking about your heartfelt dreams, where you are in life and where you want to be. When it concerns matters of the heart, don’t get too involved in over-analyzing everything. Trust how you feel and your intuitive vibe and take it from there. Sometimes you have to rely on your instincts rather than what people say. With Venus making her move to your area of soul-love, when love is meant to be, it will make its way to your heart.
Wish big and keep your dreams intact, but at the same time be realistic about what you will and won’t accept. In other words, don’t wish for something you can’t possibly accommodate in your life – like the saying goes, be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it! Money and business prospects look optimistic. New Moon energy towards the end of the month will help to bring financial matters to a positive conclusion, and you can connect with people who help you make that happen. The Full Moon in your sign mid-month provides key energy to restructure your life. Discard anything not working to make room for something or someone better. Love is very much in your stars, too, but it’s up to you to make time for romance.
SEPTEMBER 2019, Monthly Planetary Overview by Jennifer Angel
The Close of August
Aug 26 - Aug 31
Positive planetary aspects close the month of August. The start of the week, August 26th, Venus interacts with freedom-loving Uranus in a favorable way that can seem like a fateful outcome – try not to prejudge, wait to see how things turn out. Midweek, August 28th, Mars forms a favorable aspect with Uranus. However, with these two strong-willed energies, it’s a message to be careful not to step out of line or impulsively do something you may later regret. This is not a good time to take unnecessary risks – think first.
August 29th, Mercury enters Virgo, one of the signs he rules and is very comfortable and at home in Virgo. The energy opens a doorway for communication to take place over these next three weeks.
The Virgo New Moon on August 30th interacts with Uranus as well. Surprises are possible now and incidences can happen that move you forward to experience new things, people and situations, in a positive way.
Moving into September, the unpredictable combined energy of Mercury and Uranus on the 1st of September can cause you to feel both unsettled and excited at the same time. Expect the unexpected, anything can happen during this time. With a focus on Virgo energy, it’s a great time to plan and get organized; make the most of this month to forge ahead.
Week one: Sept. 02 – Sept. 08 The week commences with Venus challenging Jupiter, so you want to be mindful of being overly confident and making assumptions about your relationship or money matters, instead of thinking things through. A few days later, on the 4th of September, Venus will be in opposition to Neptune, which can also cause you to make assumptions and overlook details, so this is a week to pay attention to your intuition and follow your instincts.
On the 6th, Venus will dance with Pluto in a favorable aspect. This is a dynamic connection and can help you get serious about love and money matters. The aspects earlier in the week will have helped you sort out what feels right for you and what doesn’t. Inevitably, to introduce something new into your life there is a need to let something else go.
Midweek, both the Sun and planet Mars will connect with creative and communicative Mercury in Virgo. There are great connections and line ups of planets in Virgo; creative, action oriented and powerful. However, there is a message to think before you speak, so you don’t blurt something out you may later wish you had thought more about.
September 5th and 6th, there are trines, which are easy passages, with Saturn, which helps to make things real and ground them into a space where you can build on strong foundations.
Week two: Sept. 09 – Sept. 15
Mars will challenge Jupiter on the 12th, which can provide you with a lot of confidence, and perhaps even cause you to be over-confident, so be careful not to take your attention of the details of whatever you are doing. This month’s full Moon, a few days later on the 14th, in the sign of sensitive Pisces, heightens your emotions, intuition and sensitivity, so be careful you don’t take anyone’s adverse actions, or verbal exchanges, too personally.
There are also planetary interactions this week with Sun-Neptune and Sun-Pluto, which can make you feel like anything is possible. Keep that feeling top of mind and use it to move forward with certainty to gather positive momentum in your life to follow through with your dreams and to-do-list. You will need this energy as Mars combines with illusive Neptune energy this same week.
As Mercury and Venus enter Libra at the end of the week, it will be easier to adopt a more diplomatic approach in regard to both your personal and business dealings, and life can seem to open up to an easier passage while moving forward.
Week three: Sept. 16 – Sept. 22
Cautious Saturn finally comes out of retrograde this week on the 18th, which will help you leave the lessons of life behind while you open up to build new memories. The very next day, a Mars-Pluto interaction can give you the confidence to move forward with more certainty.
Later in the week on the 21st, abundant and optimistic Jupiter will challenge Neptune, and this planetary transit can present some uncertainty. The way you thought things were may not be the case. Be careful not to see a situation as you want rather than how it is. Keep a positive attitude intact, which will help to counteract any despondent feelings that can be caused by Mercury challenging Saturn on the 23rd. This is a short transit, so it’s important not to fall prey to negative thinking.
Week three: Sept. 23 – Sept. 29
The week commences with the Sun making its move to the sign of Libra, ruled by Venus, and this planetary position will place more attention on relationships. This also signifies the fall equinox and a time to find balance and feel comfortable with yourself.
On the 25th, When Venus and Saturn challenge each other, it’s a message to plan and visualize where you want to end up and not get too caught up with where you are now. When your vision and why is big enough, the how can take care of itself.
The very next day, on the 26th, as Mercury and Pluto interact, the combined energy encourages you to get deep down to uncover emotions and feelings so you can let go of old beliefs that may be stopping you from living the life you were destined to experience. Carve out some time to be alone so you can bring those feelings to the surface and release them, once and for all.
Week four: Aug 30. The Close of September and moving into October.
September closes with Venus, the planet of love, relationships, money and investments, challenging Pluto, which can help you see the reality of life. However, in doing so, the energy also helps you gain clarity as to what you do want and pushes you forward into October with new plans and visions for yourself. And as Pluto comes out of retrograde early October, you will have a chance to put your dreams and visions into practice!