Deb Carr

1 min

IKEA survey reveals the living and eating habits of Sydneysiders

IKEA Life At Home Report reveals the living and eating habits of Sydney-siders in and around the kitchen compared to eight other major cities around the world. Key stats revealed that:

Only 1 in 5 Australians would feel comfortable if a friend visited their kitchen with 32% surveyed blaming the messiness and 27% on the kitchen needing a good clean.

59% of Sydneysiders are looking or planning on buying sustainably sourced food with 74% wanting locally produced.

73% of people surveyed said they were confident cooking at home with 62% say they cook everyday.

Here is an infographic with the rest of the findings.

So what's normal for you? How often do you cook at home?

#FoodandBeverages #HealthandWellbeing