Deb Carr

3 min

Important Things To Know Before Your Australian Road Trip

Updated: Jun 1, 2019

If you plan on taking the best road trip with your partner, friends or family, there is no better place than Australia. The Outback offers a variety of road trips that will take you from adventurous and rugged terrains to scenic coastlines and old-world towns. Or you may choose to tour the coastal roads of Australia.

Here are a few things to know beforehand to make your trip go smoothly:

Speed limit

Most countries have speed limits, but Australia is very strict when it comes to this. Always follow the speed limit. If you go 13 km/h over the assigned speed limit, you are already required to pay around AUD 162. And the fines get even more expensive as the speed limit goes up.

Other than being on the lookout for the speed limit signs, make sure your hire car has GPS on it. They usually indicate the speed limit already so you can adjust your driving.

Plan your breaks at one of the many camping sites

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Once you have chosen the state or territory you plan on visiting, you will see that there are a plenty parks and reserves that campers can stop by. These sites offer facilities such as protected areas for camping, charging spots, private restrooms, and picnic shelters. If you find that you have been on the road for a very long time, you can stop by any of the sites and pay only a minimal fee when camping in Western Australia.

Make sure you check out the weather before you visit

It’s very hot in Australia, some places more than in others. For a comfortable road trip, target the southern and middle areas during the summer so there’s less heat; then visit the north during the winter.

Budget accordingly

Depending on how long you are going to drive, expect to shell out money for fuel and snacks. Before you start your trip, research about camp park fees (if there are any) and fuel prices just to get an idea. However, expect to spend at least AUD 100 a day on fuel if you are going to drive for the whole day.

Get used to losing phone service

Especially if you are planning to go on a little hike or nature walk, you might find that you do not have service on your phone. When this happens, do not stray too far from camp so you can get back easily. Or, bring a satellite phone if you can get one. It's always wise to inform someone when you are heading into bushland with no reception.

Fitzroy Falls Kangaroo Valley NSW

Be on the lookout for animal warning signs

Most country roads in Australia have roaming wildlife and these animals may cross your path while on the road. There are road signs usually warning you about Emus and Kangaroos. Be especially careful at Dawn and Dusk when kangaroos are notorious for trying to cross in front of oncoming cars.

Pack entertainment for the road trip

Some people realise too late that, for most of the drive, it’s going to be one long stretch of road. You’re all bound to get bored especially if there’s nowhere else to go. So make sure you pack something that can entertain everyone while on the road. Try to stop every time you see a vantage point that offers good views of the coastline.

Take Water and Food

Don't forget to pack plenty of water and food on your trip in case you break down or find yourself in such a remote place without anywhere to purchase food or water.