Does Technology Drive You Bananas?

Come on confess up! Have you ever been tempted to throw your computer or equipment out the window? I know I have and fancy admitting such anger issues here! It seems I'm not alone, there is nothing more frustrating when things just don't go right with technology as shown in a recent survey conducted by Canon. Goodness only knows how many Tweets Telstra has received from me over the years from frustration! According to some research, from Canon Australia, it's the men who neglect to ask for help with tech-related issues and us women actually ask for help.There is the exception to the rule, like my good self who actually tries first, then reads the instructions and last resort asks Google for assistance.
When it comes to frustrations, printer set-up ranks for Aussies ranks the third most stressful task after completing tax returns and setting up flat-pack furniture! LOL, guilty of anger issues of all of the above!
Given 85 per cent of Aussies own printers and more may be considering one, Canon Australia is making life easier for both sexes with the launch of Print Assist™, to ensure setting up, connecting and printing is less painful. I must admit I am now in the 15% without a printer so I haven't had to abuse a printer for a number of years! I guess the way technology is going, it won't be long until our machines might abuse us back! Last year I was driving and got lost, so I asked Siri a question and she wasn't understanding exactly what I wanted so I said "Stupid Siri" and she replied back "That's not very nice". See what I mean!
Here are the findings from the survey
One in two (50%) Australians have avoided setting up or using a tech device because of the stress associated with the task.
Not being able to connect to Wi-Fi (35%), buffering on videos (14%) and printer issues (13%) are some of the technology gripes Australians have in their lives.
The large majority of Australians (85%) have a printer at home.
Doing your taxes (25%) or setting up flat-pack furniture (21%) are both seen as more stressful menial tasks than setting up a printer (16%). However, printer set up trumps buying presents for a loved one (15%), or missing a postal delivery (12%).
Additional research findings include:
Australians are most likely to turn to a friend or family member to help with their technology struggles (63%). The Internet is also a favoured option (53%), while relying on a product manual is the preferred method for less than one in three (28%).
A large percentage of Australians (69%) admit to not using their technology to its full capacity due to not full understanding it.
‘How-to’ videos are Australians favourite way to receive support (33%), with helplines coming in second (19%) followed by chat bots (18%), in-store help (17%) and dedicated email support (13%).
Australians are more inclined to purchase products from a company with more post-sales support (78%), as opposed to those that do not (22%).
Women are more inclined to ask friends or family for help with their tech issues (73%), where men would prefer to turn to the Internet (53%).
Women are more likely to favour using a chat bot (23%) for a quick and easy response than men (13%)

Here Is How Canon Make Life Easier
An industry first, Print Assist™ will offer category-leading support, such as:Step-by-step video guides
A dedicated Print Assist™ helpline every day of the week (9am-5pm)
Trained in-store specialists Canon Print Assist™ features:A step-by-step online set-up tool that steps people through every aspect of setting up a Canon printer and demonstrates more complicated task with instructional videos
A seven-day helpline open during business hours (9am-5pm)
Online chat bot answering questions 24/7
In-store brochures helping consumers pick the right printer for their needs simply and easily in a cluttered category and direct them straight to the support resources available to them
Research Methodology
The Canon Print Assist Survey was commissioned by Canon Australia and undertaken in October 2017 by Decibel Research, an independent research professional. In order to understand the current pain points Australians experience with technology, the researchers focused on frustrations consumers have when it comes to using technology. A variety of closed questions were asked, to gauge the scale of the issue and help make this relatable for readers. The research canvassed the opinions of a representative sample of 1000 Australians aged 18-64
Note: This post is NOT sponsored or gifted, it's written for information only.