Undies making people smile plus helping an Australian woman in need!

I'm an affirmation girl and love to write down things about being positive. Now I get to wear my positivity on my ...um... never mind! OK I'm talking about my knickers!
I was gifted a pair of positive pants which came about when Shelley Huggett had a desire to help women bounce out of tough times by suggesting they metaphorically "put on a pair of Positive Panties".
Everyone needs positivity for different reasons and it's not always easy to keep thinking positive when you are, quite frankly, feeling like crap! So Shelley thought wearing a pair of Positive Pants could help change people's attitudes by wearing a pair of luxurious cotton blended undies that are comfortable and have a positive message printed on the inside.
Positive Pants are designed and made in Australia with sass and comfort in mind. They really are great quality. I'm so lucky that I have a pair of these now, yet many women in Australia can't afford underwear. The reason that won my heart about this brand is that when you wear your Positive Pants you know that you've given another woman a better start to her day too because every pair of Positive Pants purchased equals a pair of Positive Pants donated to an Australian woman in need.
Every day when we put on a clean pair of underpants we probably never even think that many people don't have this simple "luxury". If you were barely able to feed yourself, then underwear would definitely not be high on your agenda. So just stop for a second and imagine, the loss of dignity you would feel to not have underwear. It is Shelley's wish to restore a little piece of that lost dignity for Australian women who are disadvantaged. That's why for every pair of Positive Pants purchased, she donates a pair of Positive Pants to an Australian woman in need.
I'm wishing Shelly all the best with her business and thank her for thinking of those that can't afford the everyday necessities.
