Sydney Chic Chats With Luke Hines

One of the best things about being a blogger is you get to chat with some awesome people. I asked Luke Hines some questions about health and fitness for this blog and here is what he had to say.
What inspired you to become a health and fitness trainer?
For me it came down to truly loving how I felt living a clean lifestyle, and realising I wanted to make it my profession to share what I knew to empower others to live to their full potential. Inherently I am a helper, deep down inside. I love helping people become better versions of themselves with all the passion and knowledge I have for keeping active, eating the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and thinking positively. I count myself pretty lucky to be in the career that I am.

How often should we exercise?
Great question, and everyone is different! We all have different bodies, different goals, and also different circumstances. Some people have chronic illness or ongoing injuries, whilst others might have careers that prevent them from being as active as they would like. So my advice is for people to move their body, be active, as often as they can for their personal circumstances. Therefore you don’t compare yourself to anyone, you simply run your own race. And I believe in health and wellness you should never compare yourself with anyone around you. I can just look at sugar or dairy and my mid section puffs out, whereas some of my rowing mates eat what I call ‘crap’ food all day and stay leaner and stronger than ever. The key is find what works for you. It might be gym at 6am 4 days a week, or it could be taking the dog for a run a couple of nights a week, or it could simply be walking as often as you can in your day amongst your busy life. Consistency is key. I only achieve my personal goals by keeping a training journal and remaining accountable to myself, I suggest others do the same.
I’ve read you live a palaeolithic style of eating - what does that involve?
Yeah, I am very close to paleo 100%. When travelling it can sometimes be hard, and I certainly don’t mind treating, myself from time to time if the occasion calls for it. But in essence my eating is based on eating the most nutrient dense foods on the planet we have evolved to consume, whilst avoiding those that can cause us harm or inflammation. The key to clean eating success I believe is to keep it simple. Stick to real foods, that aren’t processed or packaged that are as close to nature intended. That doesn’t mean raw or uncooked, it just means as minimally changed from its natural form when you purchase it.
Why is coconut oil better than other oils?
Well, coconut oil is regarded as a healthy form of Saturated fat. New research has shown not all fats, and not all saturated fats are created equal. So the good thing about the fat in coconut oil is that it is readily used for energy in the body, can increase metabolism, and remains ‘stable’ or ‘safe’ at high temperatures, which makes it perfect for frying or baking. What do I mean by safe? Well, extra virgin olive oil is a wonderful oil to consume, but in its natural raw form. But when we heat it to high temperatures it can lose its health benefits very quickly because its classed as unstable at high temps. I use extra virgin olive oil in all my salads and dressings, and cook, fry and bake with coconut oil! Yummy!
How did come about?
The Paleo Way 10 Week Activation program came about when Pete Evans approached me and suggested we do an online platform helping people live the paleo way of life. So we joined forces, got some incredible experts on board, and created what we believe is the easiest and most sustainable approach to adopting the paleo way of life. Each week you are guided through how to clean out your pantry, swap out ingredients, cook the most delicious meals, learn how to move your body in a safe and functional way and be equipped with all the knowledge you could ask for to embrace this way of life.

Is there a way to eat bread that doesn't contain gluten but still tastes good?
Oh hell yeah! That was one of my very first missions when I began writing books! It was to create the most delicious paleo breakfast bread possible, and you know what, I would love to share it with your readers. It’s all yours guys!

What is your favourite food?
Sweets! haha! I have a massive sweet tooth. But not just any sweet treats. I am all about recreating my all time favourite sweets with unprocessed, nutrient dense alternatives so that I can enjoy the same flavour without any of the nastiest associated! In fact I put together an incredible choc berry fudge I think your readers would love, and you can check out the video recipe right here…
When in Sydney where do you like to hang out?
In Sydney I am such a beach bum! If there is golden sand and deep blue water I’ll only be a stones throw away. I’d be starting my day with an awesome feed at Bondi Wholefoods, where they do incredible paleo toast with slow cooked lamb. Lunch could be a fresh and zesty salad enjoyed perched up on one of the cliffs between Bondi and Bronte, and dinner would be sourcing the best quality grass fed and free range meat sources from Macelleria Butcher down on Campbell Pde. Whats not to love about a day filled with eating in one of Australia’s most iconic suburbs!