How I’m Persuading My Dad to Ditch the Landline and Go Mobile!

Recently I lost my mum due to a long illness and it’s been a very difficult time, especially as my parents live in the countryside in the Mid North Coast NSW. Since mum’s passing, it’s been tough on the whole family, and especially for my 82-year-old dad. Losing your partner of 57 years is devastating.
Now that we are all trying to get on with our lives, my brother’s and I are trying to get dad up with the times; to ditch his landline and go mobile. Not only do we want him to go mobile we want him to, for the first time in his life, use the WWW. I’ve been telling him how he could easily get the footy scores and other information if he had a smartphone.
Of course he’s on a pension and keeping the rates down is high on the agenda, plus he lives only in a 3G network area so we have to be mindful of that too.
One product that I’ve come across is Woolworths Connect. They have a pre-paid product that uses Australia’s most trusted network, Telstra. The Woolworths Prepaid Mobile Plans are good value and have unlimited standard national SMS thrown into the deal. Not sure if I could get dad texting but, hey on Father’s Day this year my plan is to get him set up on his smartphone and teach him some online technology. Considering that’s my other expertise, apart from this blog, I’m sure I can show him a trick or two. Woolworths Connect also have unlimited free calls to others users on the network, and for those who have an Everyday Rewards Number an extra 10% of recharging each time.
To get him started all I needed to do was buy a $2 sim pack at my local Woolworths and you can also buy them at Big W and Woolworths Caltex petrol sites. Then I registered him online with his ID i.e. Medicare, Driver’s License or Passport number. This week I'm buying him the smartphone so that I have a pretty cool Father's Day present for him.
Woolworths Connect coverage maps depict mobile phone coverage, mobile broadband speeds and coverage areas. The mobile product of Woolworths Connect provides customers a 3G coverage footprint of 98.5% of the Australian population covering 1.3 million square kilometres and uses part of Telstra's 3G mobile network. I’ve done a check on the Woolworths Connect site to see if coverage is in Dad’s area, which it is, thank goodness, because it’s quite remote.

Now it’s time to teach an ‘Old Dog Some New Tricks’ which I’ll be doing for Father’s Day with his new phone that I've got him and his pre-paid plan.
Recharge Cost
10% Off* Everyday Rewards Discount
Discounted Price $27.00 (Save $3.00)
Credit Expiry 30 Days
Included Call Credit $650 within Australia
Unlimited Woolworths Connect to Woolworths Connect within Australia
Data 1.5GB charged in 25KB Blocks
Discounted Price $40.50 (Save $4.50)
Credit Expiry 30 days
Included Call Credit $1,500 within Australia
Unlimited Woolworths Connect to Woolworths Connect within Australia
Data 3.5GB charged in 25KB BLocks
DISCLAIMER: This post is in collaboration with Woolworths Connect.