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Cross that one off the bucket list: Ride a Harley Davidson around Sydney

Writer's picture: Deb CarrDeb Carr

Sydney Lifestyle Blog

It's no secret that I'm a bit of an adventure seeker and love trying new things. In all my years on this planet I haven't ever been on a Harley Davidson.....until now. Thanks to Adrenalin.

If you are a regular reader of this blog you will have seen I've been doing quite a bit with Adrenalin's new campaign #ShareAnExperience and #GiveAdrenalin - it's about getting off technology and doing things that may be a little out of your comfort zone. For me, I like to experience everything I can whilst being on this planet, because life is too short to waste.

I have to say, riding a Harley around Sydney is an awesome experience and I loved every minute of it. My tour guide, Phil, picked me up at 10.00 a.m. and soon we were on our way to take a tour around the Eastern Suburbs.

We left at Potts Point and headed towards Centennial Park which is the photo above.

Then we headed down to Bondi Beach via Bronte and back up through Rose Bay, Double Bay and Rushcutters Bay.

I loved the freedom of being on the back of the bike with the wind blowing in my face and you certainly can take in more when you are the passenger on one of these noisy machines....I love the noise of the revs!

I felt very safe with Phil, he's got years of experience riding his Harley and he's an engineer by the way! I found out that most of the tour guides are either ex policemen, barristers, business owners and other professionals.

Tours go for one hour, I chose the Eastern Suburbs however you can choose to go across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and other areas.

Try it yourself it's great fun.

I was a guest of Adrenalin and Troll Tours - check out my full DISCLAIMER

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