Polo In The City

If you haven't been to the Polo in the City yet, then maybe put it in your diary for the next event. I attended the Somersby Polo Tent on Saturday and really enjoyed watching the action. Polo is a game of great skill.
Polo is not a young sport, in fact Polo was devised approximately 2,500 years ago in the Persian region, as a means of training mounted cavalry and keeping them fit. It wasn't meant to be a spectator sport either but that came about over time. Urban Polo was first developed in Australia in 2005 and is a variant of the original. This game is fast and even if you are not a huge sports fan, it's a game that grabs your interest because it really is very skillful.
I love the atmosphere of the Polo, it's classy and there are a lot of great traditions that happen on the day such as spectators filling in the divots by stomping them down and the bare foot race one for men and one for ladies. You will also get to witness some very stylish people!
Check out my pics below.
For more information http://polointhecity.com/