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April Horoscopes by Jennifer Angel

Writer's picture: Deb CarrDeb Carr


April 2018 Monthly Horoscopes:

By Jennifer Angel

A month to leave the past behind and embrace the future.

Planetary Overview:

March closed with Venus, the ruler of love and money, having moved to Taurus, one of the signs it rules. The full Moon was also in Venus ruled Libra, so the month closed with a feeling of working with rather than against people to get the job done.

April kicks off shortly after the commencement of the spring equinox, which heralds in a new start that works best with a positive attitude and optimistic outlook. It’s a message to leave the past behind and open up to new adventures, possibilities and experiences. Add to this energy a Mars Saturn connection during the first week. The solid foundations of Saturn and motivating energy of Mars combined in business-oriented Capricorn can push forward to make sound progress.

Keep in mind that during all this activity, that Mercury, the communication planet, will be retrograde (out of phase) through to mid-April. As such, you will need to be careful of a few things: Beware of being overly controlling, speaking rashly, stepping on toes or defying authority, all of which can get you into hot water. However, Venus will interact favorably with Saturn later in the week, opening the doorway and your heart to embrace love and relationships that can last the distance of time.

During week two, the Sun will challenge Pluto, and the energy of these two power-planets can result in a few different ways. It can set up a power struggle, especially if you feel your integrity or authority is being questioned in some way. In the process, it can force you out of your comfort zone to stand up for yourself. This can be a good thing, even if it does feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable. It’s a message to do what is right for yourself, keeping in mind that there are times to make compromises and times to take a stand. However, this is a judgement that only you can make.

Mercury comes out of retrograde on the 15th, as well as a new Moon later the same day, both in the sign of Aries, the sun sign of new beginnings and initiation. This is a great sign of things to come and to put your hard work of planning, thinking and preparing into action. And as Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, is close by, there is a feeling that anything can happen. Keep your mind open, your schedule flexible and attitude optimistic.

Week three commences with a Jupiter Venus opposition, which reminds you to be cautious with your money, rather than impulsive. Saturn, the planet of caution, will go retrograde at the same time, for a five-month transit, at which time you can gain a great deal of insight as to where you are and where you want to end up. This is a perfect time to plan, organize and restructure.

Mid-week, April 18, a Sun Uranus connection in Aries can cause life to be unpredictable, but it quickly settles down the next day when the Sun make his move to Taurus, a more grounded energy. A great time to revisit your finances and how you manage money.

At the end of this week, power planet Pluto will also enter a retrograde transit for a five-month period. As Pluto is the planet of transformation, you have a chance to deal with, or come to terms with anything you have been struggling with and do some personal house cleaning. It’s your chance to let go and discard old beliefs and attitudes that no longer serve in you in a positive way.

During the last week of the month, on April 24th, Venus, planet of love and money, will move to creative and communicative Gemini, and lightens up the energy for easy interaction. The day after, Mercury challenges Saturn, which can prompt you to have a serious discussion with someone close. On the 26th, a Mars Pluto connection can either cause you to be assertive or aggressive, be careful it is not the later. Shortly after, the full Moon is in Scorpio on the 29th as well as a Sun Saturn interaction on the same day. This makes it an ideal time for a huge clean out, both physically and emotionally. A perfect way to finish the month!

April 2018 - Sun Sign readings:

ARIES Don’t get too comfortable, Aries, just when you least expect it life can change. The decisions you make this month can spark development in your business life and as a result your income can also increase. The new Moon energy in your sign mid-month and Mercury coming out of retrograde is a green light for you to move forward. But don’t fall into old patterns of operating or thinking, especially with love or work. Work on priorities, get your life in order and love will find its way to your heart. You can transform your life now, but to do so, it’s out with the old to allow space for the new


Life presents choices and decisions which can lead to inevitable compromises. You do one thing and you or someone else in your life must make an adjustment. Stay focused on your grand plan, the dream that is connected to your soul. With the help of new Moon in the sign before yours, and Venus in your sign, you can be inspired to move in the direction of your heart’s desire. Your first step is to gain clarity, and that will require you to have some thoughtful solo time. Full Moon energy in your love zone at the end of the month can bring things to a head, in one way or another. Do what’s right for you.


Get ready to for romance, Gemini! As love planet Venus makes her way to your sign, a lot of excitement will be the order of the month. New Moon energy indicates this to be a social time for you, and with Mercury retrograde still, you could very well reconnect with someone from the past. But beware of getting involved in the same or similar situations, it could be a message that you need to move on. Work with others for monetary gain. And keep your schedule flexible at work, a change in plans towards the end of the month can work out well for you.


Prominent connections are a big part of your life this month, and people you meet during this time can help support your dreams and goals in some way. A new start or development that happens at work can change things at home or with your love life, or vice-versa. And a social event can put you in touch with someone influential, someone who can provide an opportunity for business or just a fun time on the social scene. A situation with a friend can prove to be beneficial, too. Things are heading in the right direction. Stay open to the possibilities of life.


If you have an opportunity to advance your knowledge or education in a way that promotes your work and career, then take it, Leo. Remember, knowledge is power. You can never know too much and right now it will serve you well, especially as you can move your career forward and up a notch. When you have someone in your life you love and trust, be open to share your innermost feelings and you can build a long-lasting and loving association. With the help of Venus, social engagements can put singles in the spotlight. Family and home matters will need your attention, make time for them.


Work is about to get busy. It seems that everyone wants your attention this month, so be careful not to take on more than you can handle. Life balance is important, be sure to make time for you as well as for those you love. Money matters are high on your agenda, and as Mercury comes out of retrograde, a past situation can resurrect itself and give you a chance to make it work. Be prepared to work with others and perhaps even give up some control. A powerful and passionate moment, a connection with someone amazing, can provide the energy to move love forward.


Mercury comes out of retrograde mid-month in your love zone, along with a new Moon in the same area. The energy clears the way for a heart-to-heart discussion that can set the stage to move forward with new arrangements and boundaries that will be more suitable. Singles can gain clarity as to what you want and need in your life. There can be developments with money, especially towards the end of the month with the presence of the full Moon in your money zone, but delays earlier on, so be patient. Home and family matters are sharp on your radar. It’s important to get organized as and you may not always be in control.


A powerful connection you have with someone can get the green light this month and further develop into something fabulous. The full Moon energy in your sign at the end of the month can make you feel alive, especially on the scene as the Sun enters your love zone on the 20th. It can also present challenges that push you out of your love-comfort-zone. Be prepared to give more of yourself and open up to what comes next, even if it does mean stepping out of your safety zone. There’s a new start or progress with business but be careful not to get involved in a power struggle. Sometimes, when you are silent, you find out more information.


No one knows better than you, Sagittarius, that the truth will set you free. Secrets can harm a relationship, and therefore, it’s important to be upfront and honest. And right at the end of the month, with the full Moon in the sign before yours, the area of secrecy, these words can ring true. A love union is romantic, but before you go giving all of yourself, leave some time and energy to pamper your own needs. When you look after yourself, you value yourself. Watch your dollars closely, this is not a time to be impulsive. From mid-month on, an opportunity for work can come through someone you know – it’s a good time to socialize.


Stand by for news! As Mercury comes out of retrograde as well as the new Moon at the same time, mid-month, a development in your life can change things in some way at home and turn a situation around. At work, there’s a new start. Someone you meet, or perhaps a contact you know, can help push through a creative project that has the capacity to return a good income. An opportunity can come through a friend. And a discussion can move a situation forward and in an advantageous way. What happens next can empower you to reach your goals, but you will need to be productive to do so. Stay close to home and family and be open to allow love in.


Mercury comes out of retrograde mid-month, and the energy of the new Moon at the same time, highlights a discussion with a friend about a work opportunity that can be financially viable. However, timing is important. Pay attention to your intuition to know when the time is right to move forward and back off. Once the details are sorted out, a situation can be great for now and the future. Venus moves to an area of your star-chart that influences love and romance. If you’re single, you can be lucky in love. Deal with and dump past baggage to embrace and invite love to your life. If in a relationship, it’s a message to focus attention on your loved-one.


Your financial affairs can improve. Things don’t always work out as you plan, however, your patience will pay off. With Mercury coming-out of retrograde and the new Moon energy mid-month, a situation can work out better than you imagine. Be guarded with business affairs surrounding a friend, especially if money is concerned, tread carefully. Get clear about who’s accountable for what so you don’t step on anyone’s toes or enter a power struggle. At home, things come together later in the month. A discussion with a loved one can open your heart during this time, but make sure you are clear about the arrangements and what’s expected of you.


Jennifer Angel

Jennifer is resident astrologer to one of America’s most successful celebrity and entertainment magazines – Star!

Perhaps most well known for her work in New York’s Daily News, with a following of over one million readers, Jennifer attracted even more followers at with weekly videos, articles, including predictions on celebrity couples, sports teams, mayors, and presidents.

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