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August Horoscopes by Jennifer Angel


August 2018, Monthly Planetary Overview

This month, surrender, let go and live life to the full – greatness awaits!

The close of July

July closes with a water trine - Pisces Moon and Jupiter in Scorpio – and that will initiate your imagination and creativity, as well as sharpen your instincts.

The first week of August can be tricky with a potentially aggressive interaction between Mars and Uranus. However, Mars is retrograde, so past issues can come up, which is not necessarily a bad thing, depending of course, on how you interact and deal with a situation or person. There is plenty action and fire during August, a chance to get things settled, and in the way, you want them to be. Read on...

Week one - August 01-05

The month of August begins with a challenging square aspect between Mars and Uranus, which can simply make the week feel unsettled. Or, the energy can cause you to feel irritable and somewhat aggressive, especially if you are blindsided by a person or situation. A trine, a favorable planetary aspect, between the Leo Sun and Aries Moon, is a softer energy and helps to calm things down. However, it is a ‘fire’ trine, which can send you into action without thinking through the consequences of your actions. Be mindful to be assertive and take hold of any temptation to be reactive or aggressive.

Week two - August 06-12

A square, usually a challenging planetary aspect, on the 6th, between the Sun and Jupiter, is a reminder to keep a realistic outlook. There are options that lay in front of you, and you will have inevitable decisions that you need to make about your life. On the same day, love planet Venus moves to Libra, one of the signs she rules and comfortably stays there for a month. Relationships take on a higher importance now, and the energy between you and those you are closest to are under the spotlight where you can enjoy, or in some cases, repair.

The next day, the 7th, Venus and Mars, the love-duo planets will interact in a pleasant astral trine aspect. Venus provides the romance and Mars the passion. And as this is an Air Sign Trine, Venus in Libra and Mars in Aquarius, there is also a strong connection on an intellectual level. On this same day, Uranus will go retrograde for a 5-month period in Taurus and during this time will revert back to Aries. It’s a chance to revisit any changes you have made during the year, how you feel about them, and how you want to move forward.

August 9th, as Venus in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn, the energy can bring to the surface anything you are not quite happy about. This is a good time to see how even perceived negative circumstances in your life serve you in some way. Try to do a gratitude exercise for everything that happens and has happened to you. It all has the power to move you to another, and better, place.

The Leo new Moon on the 11th, which is a partial solar eclipse and a super Moon, brings a fresh new start, an opportunity to leave the past behind and be open to embrace the future. This intense Moon energy coincides with the reentry of Mars to Capricorn on the 12th where it will stay for a month. It’s a powerhouse position for Mars, where it encourages you to get down to business.

Week three - August 13-19

August 19th, Mercury will come out of retrograde in its forward motion, a good time to get on with business, especially as Mars is now in Capricorn. On this same day, there is a Jupiter Neptune trine, a positive planetary interaction, that sparks your imagination and tempts you to be all that you can be in this life and in the world. Allow your mind to go to places outside of your box, no matter how idealistic it may seem. There is plenty of time to think logistically and be more realistic, however for now, think big, the bigger the better!

Week four - August 20-26

This week commences with a fire trine on the 20th between the Leo Sun and Sagittarian Moon, making it a highly creative day with much excitement. The Sun will make its move to Virgo on the 23rd, which will help you get organized to ground your ideas into action and reality.

On the 25th, there will be an amazing grand trine, which can put you in the right place at the right time to achieve your goals or make progress with whatever is your highest priority. The grand trine formation, an earth trine, consists of Uranus in Taurus, Virgo Sun and Saturn in Capricorn, a powerful interaction of intense energy that will push through any barriers, all the way to success!!

The Pisces full Moon adds extra energy the next day on the 26th and joins the trine energy with the Moon in Pisces and Sun in Virgo. Pisces is highly intuitive and imaginative, and Virgo is grounded allowing creative thought to birth and materialize. Later this same day, Venus and Pluto will square, which can highlight matters concerning love or money that may need a closer look. But not even a square will dampen the spirit of such a positive and uplifting week. The key to use this energy in the most beneficial way is to be optimistic and stay focused on what you want rather than on what you don’t want.

Week five August 27-31

It’s all systems go! Mars, the action planet and motivator, will finally come out of retrograde on the 27th, and as Mars is in Capricorn, engines are revved up and ready to go. Anything is possible now!! On the same day, Mercury and Jupiter will square, reminding you to check the details, and not become so overly excited and distracted that you gloss over and miss important data.

This month, all in all, although there are certainly challenges, especially at the beginning of August. But, they do seem to push you to get your act together in whatever area is most important to you, so that the new exciting changes can take place later in the month.

This month, just keep moving forward, the energy is pushing you anyway, so you may as well surrender, let go and live life to the full – greatness awaits!


At the start of September, Saturn will come out of retrograde, and the momentum you have gathered continues. This is a sure sign that whatever you do now will be for longevity and have substance rather than be superficial.

sure that you pay attention to not only the logical equation but to also trust your instincts and move forward accordingly.


By Jennifer Angel


As Venus makes her move to your relationship area, the love bug can definitely bite this month. For singles and couples, clear the schedule to allow love into your life. When your mind and heart are both open, magic can happen. A financial situation can highlight changes at work; a sudden decision someone else makes can have you reevaluating what to do next. Teamwork is definitely the key to success for you now with influence of a New Moon, partial eclipse and Super Moon. Partner up with like-minded people and opportunities can present themselves, especially as Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, helps you connect with people who can assist with investment banking. This is a great month to focus on your health and personal image, too.


Your home and family life are on the radar now, big time. Lucky stars and a new Moon partial eclipse send good news your way, and just when you need it the most something fabulous can happen that has you celebrating. However, Mercury is retrograde, so be patient. Stay focused on the positive and don’t get pulled into pettiness, especially if it is someone else’s drama. Jupiter in your love zone shines a bright and loving light on relationships; love and romance can pull at your heart strings but make sure a strong friendship is included in the love recipe. There is nothing you can’t overcome now, Taurus, and there is more good in your life than bad, so no matter what happens, keep an optimistic attitude.

GEMINI Mercury, your ruling planet, is still retrograde through to the third week of the month, so you will need to be careful of how and who you communicate with. A sensitive situation can easily get out of control. If in doubt, it is best to ask more questions than you answer. Knowledge, for you right now, Gemini, is definitely a powerful thing. There’s the possibility of a new start at work in some way, keep on open mind, something different could be just what you need to keep your interest high. Be conscious that Venus makes a move to an area of your chart which enhances love and connecting with others. If you are looking for love, you can meet someone. However, you may not get everything your own way. Whether in a relationship or single, it may be that you will need to make compromises at home and at work, but at the end of the day, they can lead you to a better place.


This month, positive and optimistic opportunities knock on your door, especially where money is concerned. There is a grand earth trine, a favorable and lucky planetary formation, which for you, Cancer, will connect you with friends and colleagues for beneficial discussions that can also be highly creative. Love is also very much on your radar and as Mars moves back to your area of relationships, a passionate connection can set your heart and life on fire. There are some challenges to overcome, but your lucky stars will outweigh everything else. So be positive and override or sidestep anything that does not appear to be going your way. With money, the new Moon sends positive energy for a fresh start. During August, expect the best and that’s very likely what you will get.


Money matters are top focus now and with an abundance of planets and planetary interaction in your money zone, you’re in luck, the stars indicate that your financial situation is about to improve. The grand trine planetary formation later in the month can set in motion a series of connections and events that can have you celebrating. Try not to control everything too much. Sometimes, the energy has a journey of destiny of its own and you don’t want to get in your own way. Mars will move back to an area that speeds life up, so you will need to be organized to stay productive. Don’t be in too much of a hurry, you want to think things through. Visualize your dreams and goals and make sure every thought you put out is a positive one. You can make yourself heard loud and clear during this time but with Mercury still retrograde in your sign, be careful of mixed messages. Stay the course, success is near!


As Venus moves to your money zone early in the month, an opportunity to boost your bank account can present itself. You are brilliant at what you do and should ask for what you’re worth. And when you do, others will also see your worth. But don’t do anything rash, with your ruling planet Mercury still retrograde you will want to ensure you have all the details on hand and that there are no hidden agendas or fine print escaping your attention. However, whether it is personal or professional, you do want to stand up for yourself and speak your truth, just be cautious to do it in a soft and approachable manner. Later in the month, a grand earth trine can set the scene for you to meet people who can help you make your dreams a reality! This month can finish very different to how it starts. You are entering a powerful and successful space! Go for gold!


You can expect to be busy this month, Libra, and although your first impulse is to always be there for others, you really have too much going on in your own life right now to deviate from your responsibilities. Friends can step up to give assistance, and someone from the past can reenter your life. Connections with people who are beneficial in some way is also possible now. And when help is offered, accept and say thank you. This is a very social month, and if you are looking for love, with Venus in your sign, your wish could come true. A friend could very well introduce you to someone fascinating, or a past lover could reenter your life. A Grand earth trine, a favorable and somewhat destined planetary formation, highlights that things on the family and home horizon can settle down and in a positive way.


New and full Moon energy affects both your personal and professional life, and you could be in a position to make changes on some level during this month. Your career or place of work can present a new situation and although it may be different, it can be better than you think. The full Moon can present some challenges with those close or a love partner, but what takes place now can act as a catalyst to discard anything not working so it makes room for something better to take place. Changes that happen now can be for your greatest good. So, don’t get caught up in the pettiness of what goes on during each day. Instead, know that something better is on its way and there is a grand plan in place.


With Venus making her move to your area of social engagements and friendships, you will want to make the most of this energy and get out to mix and mingle. Now remember, Sagittarius, that Venus is the ruler of both love and money, and often the connections you make on a personal level can also be significant professionally. Mars will make his way back to your money zone, and while retrograde, gives you an opportunity to rethink or reorganize your finances. However, later in the month, be careful of making rash monetary decisions, make sure you have the facts, not just hearsay. As always, you want to think big, Sagittarius, and stretch your imagination. Think in terms of, if you had no limitations, what would you do and wish for? Travel is in the stars now, too, and family affairs will need your attention towards the end of the month.


This month, the planetary interaction and influence on your sign can be nothing short of challenging but also empowering. It’s a month for you to step out of your comfort zone, Capricorn, and invite abundance and expansion into your life. You are very capable of making your life happen in the way you dream about. Don’t hold back. It’s up to you to enter the success sphere, no one else can do it for you. Mars in your sign will come out of retrograde and open the door for you to be motivated and optimistic about opportunities. Watch for the signs of coincidence to know that you are travelling in the right direction - the path of your destiny. As Venus moves to your career zone early in the month, the people you connect with now can play a significant role in your future. And the grand trine planetary formation can literally help set your life on fire and push you in the direction of success!!


As Venus moves to your solar ninth house, the energy of this advantageous and abundant planet that governs both love and money can set you on a new path. A path that you have been dreaming about for some time, and it can all start to come alive now, especially as last month’s eclipse had such a significant influence on your sign. Someone from the past can appear during this time, too, and revive a project you may have given up hope on. Stay positive, Aquarius, life can change in an instant, and all of a sudden you are living the high life, as well as a life that is more purposeful. In its retrograde journey, passionate Mars moves from your sign back to the sign before yours and will heighten your instincts - pay attention to them. Money management is important now and you can have an opportunity to learn more about financial investments. A connection with someone you already know, or someone you meet, or even a past lover, can set alight with flames of passion this month.


Your life is hectic, Pisces, and with Mars on the move back to your social area of life, it’s a sign to make the most of this energy and get out and socialize. However, as Mars is retrograde through to later in the month, it is possible you will meet someone from the past. The new Moon energy in your area of productivity will help you get organized and lock down your schedule so you make the most of your time. So, you need to be careful of how you spend your time and who with. Don’t be surprised to find yourself postponing, cancelling or side stepping some people and situations in an attempt to stay focused and on track. But don’t neglect your image, you still want to look and feel fabulous. Your love life will take precedence now, too, and there’s a message to share more of yourself to someone special so you can build intimacy between you and them. You may not be able to avoid love this month, not that you would want to.


Jennifer Angel

Jennifer is resident astrologer to one of America’s most successful celebrity and entertainment magazines – Star!

Perhaps most well known for her work in New York’s Daily News, with a following of over one million readers, Jennifer attracted even more followers at with weekly videos, articles, including predictions on celebrity couples, sports teams, mayors, and presidents.

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