Carriageworks Farmers Market

Every Saturday between 8am and 1pm Carriageworks transforms into a Foodie haven. Farmers Markets are growing more and more popular within cities as people crave for the experience of buying organic and bio-dynamic seasonal produce from artisan producers and farmers. As well as the experience of purchasing and eating fresh produce it is fascinating to discover where and how, these products come from farm to table. Certainly, when I lived in the inner city there was always something relaxing about visiting the local farmers markets and talking to the stallholders, it was an escape from the chaos of traffic, noise and crowds. Then there was the enjoyment of bringing my basket full of fresh produce back home to cook knowing it was fresh and sustainably produced.

Carriageworks Farmers Market stallholders consist of a wide range of goodies such as kombucha, pho, bush foods, coffee crepes, fruit and veg, flowers, condiments, boutique wines, bread, bakery, butcher, nuts, truffle, honey, cheese and and much more. You can read more about the Carriageworks Farmers Market Producers here.

“A ‘Farmers Market’ is a fresh food market that operates regularly within a community, at a location that provides a suitable environment for farmers and food producers to sell farm‐origin and associated value added food products directly to customers.” Australian Farmers Market Association.

As the market is fully undercover, visitors can enjoy shopping and exploring in all sorts of weather. It will take you a while to discover all of the delights on offer, and after you have finished shopping there's a wide range of foodie stalls to find something delicious to eat or sip on your favourite latte.

Carriageworks Farmers Market is open from 8am to 1pm each Saturday and entry is free.
The market is easily accessible by public transport. Catch a train to Redfern Station (8 min walk) or a bus to Codrington Street at City Road near Sydney University (5 min walk). There are bike lanes on nearby streets and bike racks on site. The Market is wheelchair accessible via the ramp at 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh 2015.

Keep an eye on the website for upcoming free cooking demonstrations with Australia's best chefs.
Follow @carriageworksfarmersmarket

Photos: Supplied