In Your Forties? Here Are 5 Ways Towards Women’s Wellbeing

As we venture into our forties, many of us are more concerned about reducing grey hairs, but our wellbeing is so important as we venture into the next stage of our lives. So what can we all do to make sure that we are looking after wellbeing, staying healthy and happy, and making sure that we are advancing in age feeling fantastic?
Looking After Your Body
As we get older, it is surprising how many little things that didn't affect us before are now more prominent in our lives. For example, the potential for UTI infections can increase exponentially, blood pressure can rise and other issues that were not as prominent in the earlier years. Having UTI prevention strategies, breast, hormonal. blood pressure, cholesterol checks and making sure that we listen to our bodies could make a massive difference.
Start Strength Training
If your idea of exercising is going out for a run, the fact is that, as we get older, we need to incorporate strength training into our lives. Strength training doesn't just help us maintain muscle tone, but it is one of the best tools to fight osteoporosis. Strength training, such as squats and deadlifts, is not just fantastic for our health, but this can be even more effective than going out for a run. Just make sure that you get your heart pumping!
Eating Smarter
Everybody wants to be healthier, and diet is the best way to ensure we are functioning at our best. But as we get older and run the risk of developing that "middle-age spread," we've got to be more careful with what we eat. One of the best approaches is to operate with a 90/10 mentality. To do this, you eat healthy 90% of the time, but the other 10% can be whatever you want. 90/10 has shown to be very effective as we are not being strict with our diets and indulging in what we fancy from time to time, but not overeating, which negatively impacts our health.
Dress to Impress!
Many people think getting old means becoming more ashamed of how they look. If you are starting to become a "shrinking violet" as you approach your forties, now is the perfect time to undo this unhealthy mindset. There are so many women out there that have just got better with age, and we all need to remember that getting older is not getting worse! As we get older, we should start to embrace those things we stray away from; wrinkles or grey hair are signs of becoming more refined.
Reducing Your Stress
Stress is everywhere, but it's more important than ever to keep our stress in check as we get into our forties and beyond. There are many different ways for you to reduce your stress. You can incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation, or if you find yourself stressed out regularly, you can take control over your fight or flight sensation by deep breathing.
These are just a few things you could try as you get older. It's essential for us not to fear getting older. If anything, we have to embrace it. We are all going to age, and these days being in your 40's is considered still young!