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Theatre Review | Hans: Like A German

Eternity Theatre Sydney

Hans: Like A German

Created by Matt Gilbertson

Eternity Theatre

Reviewed by Ron Lee, CSP

It seems to be the week for high camp in Sydney.

Hans, billed as “The Berlin Boy-Wonder”, has enjoyed international success including a major American talent show. He’s supported by the guitar, the keyboard and the drums under the collective name of The Ungrateful Bastards.

Hans: Like A German opens with strong references to The Sound of Music with Do-Re-Mi and Edelweiss. My Favourite Things is performed in a certain German military style and it makes me almost wish I had seen the movie. There are also unlikely songs in the style of German polka. I Should Be So Lucky is a highlight.

Sydney Theatre Reviews

After the massive opening, it soon becomes obvious that Hans is an Australian performer who affects a slight German accent, and South Australian Matt Gilbertson is an extraordinarily talented singer, comedian and musician. As well as possessing a powerful set of pipes, he also plays the piano and the accordion, dances and makes Richard Simmons look rugged.

Gilbertson is adept at stand-up comedy and compels participation by numerous audience members. On the opening night there were many local references such as people from The Shire and Israel Folau. Surprisingly, the show was attended by a large number of older people, referred to by Hans as “Fifty Shades of Grey”. “You’re the Spice Girls in the bodies of The Golden Girls.”

Hans: Like A German is a fast-paced hour of music, comedy and audience participation that has more sequins than you can count. It’s Berlin Cabaret meets Dame Edna meets Carlotta. I didn’t know what to expect and was absolutely delighted, surprised and thoroughly entertained. It’s a fun night out and you just might be seeing the beginnings of the career of a major global talent.

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