Top Skincare Ingredients That Should Be In Your Routine
These days with so much beauty information at our fingertips, wading through all of it to find good information can seem daunting. Sometimes too much information is not a good thing after all! In fact, it can be a blessing and a curse! Thanks to platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and well, just the internet as a whole, it can be extremely overwhelming at times – especially when it comes to skincare! Here we give you the “cliffs notes” version of the best ingredients for your skin and why they can be so beneficial for our long-term skin health.
Vitamin C
Otherwise known as L-ascorbic acid in its purest form, Vitamin C is the definition of a hero ingredient and should be in everyone’s skincare cupboard. A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C has many benefits when applied regularly to the skin and works to brighten and regenerate, making it a popular anti-ageing solution.
As an antioxidant it is best applied in the morning as it can then help fight free-radicals that can attack the skin during the day. When used in conjunction with a sunscreen, can help protect the skin from further photo-damage caused by the sun’s UV rays.
Retinoids such as retinol, are a form of Vitamin A and have many anti-ageing benefits, as well as acne-fighting and brightening properties. Regular retinol use can speed up cellular turnover meaning skin will shed more regularly. This means an increase collagen production for softer lines and wrinkles, brighter more even skin tone and a smoother skin texture overall.
The downside of these skincare products is that they can cause irritation, at least when you start using them. They are notorious for causing symptoms such as dryness, itchiness, redness and increased sensitivity. Depending on your skin tolerance and strength of the product you are using, it is recommended to start slowly every other night or so until your skin acclimatises, building up to nightly. Remember: best results come with dedication, time and patience – retinol is definitely a sprint, not a race.
Although not technically an ingredient, this list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the absolute importance of sun protection. Experts say – if you are going to apply one thing, let it be sunscreen. That’s how vital it is.
Aside from the more harmful effects, UV exposure also accounts for up to 80% of the visible signs of skin ageing. This accounts for why sun-damage is the #1 skin concern here in Australia. The sun erodes the collagen and elastin in our skin over time and it’s the breakdown of this collagen which leads to premature signs of ageing like sagging skin, wrinkles, pigmentation and age spots. Whilst wearing sunscreen on a regular basis won’t treat these issues, it will prevent more from forming and becoming more noticeable.
Protection is key and as the experts say - the best sunscreen is the one you actually wear. Make sure it's at least 30+ and broad spectrum which means it will protect you against both UVA and UVB rays. So, no matter the weather, rain hail or shine – make sure your sun protection is the last and final step in your morning skincare routine.
Lactic and Glycolic Acid
Glycolic and Lactic acid are what’s known as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAS) or chemical exfoliants and work by breaking down and dissolving the bonds between skin cells, removing any dry, dead skin cells, dirt, grime and build up. Regular exfoliation keeps skin smooth and bright, whilst also having anti-ageing benefits. Both can work to brighten the skin, improving sun-damage and discolouration as well as helping smooth the look of those pesky fine lines and wrinkles we are trying to keep at bay!
They both can be found in peels, exfoliating toners, peel pads, cleansers and serums, so its really depends on what your preference is and whereabouts in your routine they work best. Whilst they both essentially do the same thing, Lactic is the gentler of the two, so perhaps recommended for those who are new to exfoliating their skin or who have a more sensitive skin type.
If you would like to learn more about professional skincare products, contact beauty salon suppliers, The Global Beauty Group at