Shop Like A Celebrity at Brands Exclusive with Reality Prices

I recently attended the launch of online shopping outlet Brands Exclusive for the unveiling of the latest campaign in the series Celebrity Shopping, Reality Prices with special guest Laurina Fleure, style queen and reality star extraordinaire! She's really lovely by the way!
Brands Exclusive is a great place to shop to save a lot of money on your favourite brands. I've been on the website snooping around and for instance, I love Vans and you can buy a pair on Brands Exclusive for just $69 (at time of writing this).

Or one of my other favourites is Versace... This bag $129 from $479 value. That's incredible! I get a lot of requests to promote online shopping stores, however I am really liking Brands Exclusive and think it's worth sharing with our readers. I have noticed you need to keep an eye on what's on special and not all sizes are available but when it comes to Versace handbags at this price and Vans sneakers for $69 that's very good savings.

The store caters for women, men, kids, home and beauty. Plus a range of specials and warehouse section.