Keeping The Art of Traditional Turkish Towels Alive

Raven's Landing are a small Australian business supporting Turkish artisans in their traditional craft of producing gorgeous handmade peshtemals and Turkish towels. They're perfect for the savvy traveller, sunshine addict (like me) or picnic entertainer. Raven's Turkish peshtemals are handloomed by master craftsmen using materials sourced locally. Raven's landing work with the artisans to help support the dying cultural tradition of handlooming towels in Turkey.
Traditional handloomed Turkish peshtemals date back hundreds of years and were the staple towels used in Turkish Baths. They are still used to this day, however in a mass commercialised manufacturing process rather than the traditional handlooming. Raven's Landing are committed to helping keep this traditional art alive.
The peshtamal pictured above is mine that I took down to a secluded beach the the other day to grab some sun before the chill of winter sets in. I was hiking through the bush and I like how light these towels are for carrying in my backpack. They are large enough to sit on without getting sand everywhere, and fantastic for wrapping up after you come out of the water. Now that winter has set in, I'm using my towel as a homeware item, I love summer and seeing it draped across a piece of furniture reminds me that those hot summer days will be back soon.

These beautiful Turkish towels are very good quality and a great size to wrap around yourself after a swim or shower. One of the things I really like about Turkish towels are the size so when you spread them out on the sand or ground you have plenty of room.
Check out the Raven's Landing website for the great range of patterns and colours.