5 Steps to Organise an Event in Sydney

People with experience in organising events know just how intricate the whole process is. From the conceptualisation, budget management, contacting suppliers, to finally setting up the whole event, there are heaps of processes happening in between that may not be common knowledge to those without prior experience in organising events.
This is especially true if you are organising an event in Sydney, as the city requires a high level of preparation for event organisers planning of hosting events within its territory. Not only do you have to make sure that you set-up your event well and market it efficiently, but you also have to comply with the rules and regulations that govern event management and planning in Australia. If you are planning on having an event within Sydney, it would be ideal for you to know the steps in organising events in the city.

What you need to do when organising an event in Sydney
There’s a long checklist of the things you need to accomplish if you want to successfully set-up your Sydney event. Here are some of the key steps you should do when organising your Sydney event:
Create a solid concept and check its feasibility
All great events begin with a concept. Months or even a year before you plan to hold your event, you should conceptualise it first and see if what you are planning is feasible, especially when it comes to your available resources and connections. The concept will make it easier to find a unique venue and determine your ideal target audience.
Build a capable team to help you manage the event
There are numerous aspects in event management, including but not limited to budget management, logistics, marketing and publicity, communications, and creatives. One of the most important things that you must do when planning an event is to build a dependable team that will help you pull off your event without a hitch.
Go through with the whole event application and approval process
If you are planning to host your event in Sydney’s parks and open spaces, you need to go through a 5-step process to process your event’s approval:
Submission of the event application
Submission of timeframes for your event planning and management
Provide an overview of your event plan
Pay fees and charges required for the event you are going to stage
Receive approval from the City of Sydney
Make sure that your event complies with all the rules and regulations governing Sydney event management
As an organiser, you need to make sure that you are planning your event according to Sydney’s rules and regulations. These include understanding risk management plans, insurances, first aid, and public health provision, environmental impact, and the like. Being compliant to the regulations of Sydney’s event management system ensures that your event is upholding the standard of safety, security, and high-quality management known to all public events in Sydney.

Market your event effectively
Of course, apart from planning and hosting the event, you need to market it effectively to encourage people to attend and take part in your public event. You must tap all marketing avenues, from digital to print.
For printed collaterals, you should put up posters, banners, and broadsheet placements for your event. Another option for printed collaterals is printing booklets and distributing those to people in strategic public spaces. Booklets are going to be incredibly effective, as the usual distribution process do not discriminate when it comes to target audiences. All individuals within a selected public space will be given a booklet, making your target demographic wider.
For digital, you have a wide range of options as well. From choosing strategic digital public spaces like billboards to LED screens to tapping web-based platforms like media buying, email marketing, display ads, and social media—you will be able to strategically build hype for your event and encourage more people to come.
Host your own successful event in Sydney now!
One of the most exhilarating experiences when hosting events is the moment after— once you’ve successfully finished your event without a major hitch. To make sure that the Sydney event you set-up is successful, follow these steps, learn more about event management, or approach professional event planners now!