7 Interesting Facts About Coffee

Here are seven exciting coffee facts for all coffee lovers (and tea drinkers) to mull over when enjoying your next cup.
First, Where Does the Word "Coffee" Come From?
The English word "coffee" derivative comes from the Turkish or Arabic words chaoua, cahve, kahui, the French cafe, and the German kafe.
The first coffee house in Mecca dates back to the 1510s. By the 1530s, the beverage had reached Turkey. It travelled to Europe circa 1515-1519 (and we all know Europe loves coffee!) and was introduced to England only in 1650. Coffee arrived in Australia with the First British Fleet in 1788.

Many people have invested in their own coffee machines to make coffee at home, and you can find the best coffee beans in Sydney to make coffee like a pro.
What about Espresso?
Espresso is a coffee made under steam pressure and is the Italian word for "pressed out". It is derived from the Latin esprimere, which means "press out" or "squeeze out".
7 Fun Facts About Coffee
Now that we know the origins of coffee in Australia and the word espresso, here are some fun trivia facts about drinking and producing coffee.
1. Coffee could help you live longer
Your friends might tell you to slow down with your coffee intake, but did you know it is full of antioxidants? Coffee is one of the most significant sources of antioxidants in the human diet. These antioxidants help fight free radicals that attack your body. Studies have proven that adults who drink coffee have a lower risk of dying from diabetes, respiratory disease and medical complications.
2. People have tried to ban coffee
There have been five attempts to ban coffee:
Mecca: Coffee was banned in 1511 because it was believed this beloved beverage caused radical thinking. The governor did not like this.
Italy: When coffee first arrived in Europe, Italian clergy members urged to get it banned. Sadly for them, Pope Clement VIII enjoyed drinking coffee, so the request failed.
Constantinople: When a new ruler sat on the throne in 1623 he banned coffee and punished those who drank it.
Sweden: In 1746 coffee was outlawed, and coffee paraphernalia was confiscated. Convicted murderers were forced to drink coffee in an attempt to kill them.
Prussia: In 1777, Frederick the Great banned coffee in favour of beer, hoping the citizens of Prussia would wake up to a cold alcoholic brew each morning.
3. The most expensive coffee is made from Civet poop
Kopi Luwak coffee is made by the cute Asian palm civet in Indonesia. The civets eat coffee berries, which are then slightly fermented in their digestive system. They are unable to digest the berries, which pass mostly unharmed through their system. The excrement is then gathered, dried and roasted to make coffee. Any ardent coffee lover will enjoy the smooth finish and unique flavour of kopi luwak.
4. Coffee beans aren't beans
Contrary to its title, coffee beans aren't really beans. Coffee is made from seeds from a dried fruit known as coffee cherries. To end up in our cups, the pulp of the berry is removed and the seeds are dried, roasted and ground. Coffee is only called "beans" due to its similarity to legumes.
5. Coffee was discovered by goats eating coffee cherries
It is rumoured that coffee beans were discovered in the 1500s when an Ethiopian goat herder discovered his goats acting strange.After eating berries from a tree, the herder realised his goats did not want to go to sleep. The goat herder reported his findings to the monastery, where the berries were brewed into a drink. The abbot discovered the drink kept him awake throughout the night, and so the knowledge of coffee spread.

6. Decaf doesn't mean free from caffeine
Some of us may opt for decaffeinated coffee to skip the jitters, but even decaf coffee contains caffeine. To meet regulations, a cup of decaf must contain less than 0.10% caffeine.
7. Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks
Coffee is the second most-consumed drink in the world falling behind tea. Finland has the most coffee drinkers, consuming 12 kgs of coffee per capita per year. If you had to take children out of the equation, that average will rise a lot. Most coffee is produced by Brazil, which produced 3,558,000 tonnes in 2020.
Now that you've made it to the end of the list, you probably know a lot more about your favourite drink.
Why not go entertain your barista with your most interesting coffee facts while enjoying a hot cup of coffee.