It's down to Simone
I started to follow Simone @itsdowntosimone when her brother, Adrian shared her story on Instagram. I was immediately taken to this wonderful woman who totally embraces life.

Like most young women, Simone loves fashion and to look sexy. And, she does a brilliant job at it. Despite the fact Simone has some challenges in life that many other young women do not have. Simone's message is about loving life, being happy, and beautiful no matter what body you are in. It is all about diversity inclusion in all walks of life.
I reached out to Adrian to request an interview with Simone via sent questions. These are her replies, but note due to her disability they are not long. Adrian has stepped in to help a little.

Why do you love fashion?
Fashion makes me feel so beautiful and happy. When I put on a beautiful dress, it makes me smile and want to dance.
What is your favourite song to dance to?
I love to dance to anything that is happy and has a good beat. I especially love anything by Samantha Jade, Guy Sebastian, Jessica Mauboy and Pink. They always make me want to stop whatever I'm doing and dance and sing with them.

You have a huge collection of clothes; how do you fit them all in your wardrobe?
I can't fit them in my wardrobe, so I give a lot away to the Salvos. It's important to give away to people who need it more than you, I have so much I haven't worn in so many years that many other people could enjoy every day.
What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is purple. I would wear purple every day if I could.
Who is your fashion idol?
I love beautiful women that make me smile, laugh, sing and dance.
I love to see what Sarah Jessica Parker wears because she always looks nice and I also love Jennifer Lopez, she is so beautiful and dances like me!

What advice do you have for other aspiring Instagrammers?
(Adrian's response from Simone) It takes time and hard work, my advice is to share the work if you can - my brother does everything for me and I just turn up to take photos and look and feel beautiful Post often, have a story to tell and spend time making the content look good.
What is your secret to happiness?
Loving the person you are. I love myself and who I am. When I put on a beautiful outfit, I tell myself I am sexy. If you feel happy on the inside and outside, you really have it all then.
Is there anything you'd like to do in the future?
I've always wanted to go on Home & Away, it's my dream. I would also love to be a model. I really want to meet Jessica Mauboy and Guy Sebastian, that would mean so much to me.
What do you love most about your Instagram?
I love to see the comments, the likes and new people following me, it makes me feel really happy that people want to look at me and say beautiful things.
Please follow Simone on Instagram I find her voice soothing and comforting. You might too.