Lucas' Papaw Case Study Story

It’s no surprise that mums are the go-to source of advice for many of us. Now, a new report released by iconic Australian brand Lucas’ Papaw Remedies has confirmed what most of us already know, mum’s the word.

The power of generational influence and usage for Australians rings true when it comes to healthcare and parenting advice. Research has revealed that over half the Australian population look to their mum for advice on the topics.
The report also found that 60% of Australians are likely to go to their Mum for tips, tricks, and recommendations when it comes to the healing and relief of skin irritations or conditions, suggesting that mum knows best!
Interestingly, 39% of Australians’ medicine drawers/cabinets contain the same trusted staples that their mum has in theirs growing up, which highlights mum is a key influence when it comes to healthcare products in the home.
One in five Australians, the equivalent of 2.5 million individuals, said their mum was their preferred source of advice as a new parent.
Lastly, and probably the most surprising, the report revealed younger Australians are still more likely to go to their mums for tips, tricks and advice about healing and relief of skin irritations or conditions than they would be to search online.
Case study participant Belinda was born and bred in Tasmania and introduced to Lucas’ Papaw Ointment as a baby by her mum. Her mum used the product on her as a new baby for nappy rash, and then progressed to cuts and grazes as she and her siblings got older.
Belinda, now in her early 40s, keeps the product next to her bed and in her handbag. She has also introduced the staple product to her cousin and stepdaughter.
This Mother’s Day, cherish mum and remember the importance of advice passed down by generations. After all, mum’s the word!
Editor's Note: I have been using Lucas Papaw forever! I used it also on both my daughter's as they were growing up.