Brie-lieve it or not, but Sydney has its own cheese festival.

Brie-lieve it or not, but Sydney has its own cheese festival.
Let that delicious reality sink in for a moment. But not too long. Entry is free, however you’ve only got two days to indulge in this celebration of all things cheese. October 14th and 15th sees Redfern’s Carriageworks play host to Bon Fromage, an initiative of the Parisian centre for cheese (an institute I’ve only just heard of but already love) who has brought the rich, crumbly culture of cheese Down Under for all dairy devourers to enjoy. The Bon Fromage festival no doubt waves bon voyage to your budding summer bodies, but what’s better, looking great on Instagram or finding out the difference between a St Mamet Cantal and a Delice De Bourgogne? Exactly.

Bon Fromage ambassador and renowned French cheesemaker, not to mention all-round top bloke, Xavier Thuret, runs the show and brings with him some of Europe’s finest cheeses to sample. And when I say “some” I mean 500 kilograms worth. Because is it even a cheese festival if there isn’t half a ton of the good stuff to push your body to the edge of its cheese handling limits?

With over 6000 people expected to attend it’s fair to say we Sydney-siders love our cheese. But the free cheese and wine (that’s right, it gets better) is only a part of the appeal with a range of cheese related activities on offer. Masterclasses and demonstrations highlight the differences between creamy and stinky, crumbly and mild cheeses with further classes on matching your cheese with wine like a pro as well as the history of European cheeses. So, it looks like we’ll all get a gouda education in the yellow stuff. And while we may not leave this two-day festival with Mr. Thuret’s level of knowledge, with so much cheese available to sample and purchase, it’s a deliciously good place to start.
Falling at the final curdle isn’t an option so clear your schedule, clear your plate and head down to Bon Fromage Cheese Festival for the most unique, educational and enjoyable event. Will it be worth it? You’d fetta believe it.