5 Markers That Suggest Living Abroad Could Be For You
Living abroad is something we all dream of from time to time. When stuck in a particularly boring, long and rainy morning commute to work, we might picture simply driving past the office, onto a ferry, and purchasing a plot of land and a cabin somewhere beautiful over the horizon. We don’t mean to be aggressive, but if you suggest you’ve never had a thought even closely similar to this, we would playfully accuse you of being deceitful.
But just because this thought might be a flight of fancy, it doesn’t quite eliminate the potential you might feel within. Perhaps one day you will move abroad. Perhaps this is something you’ve been mulling over for some time. You might have even absent-mindedly started looking for properties, or considering what life might be like if you were ever to pull that lever.
But what are some solid markers you could take to confirm living abroad might be for you? Is there a set of criteria that might heavily suggest this could be a great life direction? Sometimes we need stable ground like this to want to make a decision, and if you can do so, you might benefit yourself greatly when thinking things over.
Let us help you out then, by showing you the possible 7 markets that suggest living abroad could be a great idea:
You Repeatedly Visit The Same Destination
Repeatedly visiting the same location or country could be a great hint that you might love living in said area. This is especially true if you keep visiting a singular town, city or village over and over again. Some might feel as though perhaps moving to a place they are enamoured with could be a bad idea, because they want to keep the magic of only temporary trips that are routinely interesting and always pose a good time. Living there is much more of a daily reality, and the transition from tourist to citizen is much different.
There’s some truth in this, but remember, the fact that you want to go somewhere in particular often shouts above all else. A tourist can go anywhere in the world, within reason. If you find that despite the enormity of several continents, countries, and cities hold no sway for you over one particular destination you keep bringing your family to, especially if you don’t already own vacationing property there, you have a strong indicator that you were destined to be in this place. We would recommend taking extended trips, and seeing how you feel. Meet some of the locals. Consider investing in a getaway home if you haven’t already. After all, you needn’t simply move somewhere full time to live abroad, sometimes eight weeks out of the year can be enough provided you make it work. What matters it the time spent there. Who knows? This slow, unhurried transition might lead to longer and longer stays, ultimately resulting in you relaxing there.
You’ve Started Looking At The Costs Or Planning Involved
It can’t hurt to look, right? This mindset is quite right, and sometimes can lead you down a path of putting plans in place for something you might not even be realistically planning to do. If you continually consider how schools might be in a certain area, or have been discussing certain best places to live with people on Reddit, or have been watching an increasing number of travel documentaries on a certain area, it can be fair to say that your interest is just more than a little piqued.
And why shouldn’t it be? Too often we can think that what we know now is the pinnacle of what we’ll opt for, when deep down we hope that’s not true. It can be that you’ve been looking at movers quotes to potentially transport your property across the country, or that you’ve been trying to size up the house price average in a certain area. If you find yourself even absent-mindedly doing this, it’s a good sign that a discussion with your spouse might be due.
You’re Young And Free
Conversely, it can sometimes be that our intent to live abroad comes from our desire to experience plenty before we ‘settle down.’ Too many people feel they have to follow a precise route, the standard practice we are told makes for a happy life. Going to school is of course good advice, but college, then a career, then 2.5 kids and a white picket fence? This is a noble goal and not to be shunned or mocked, but what if you’re just not into that? What if you want to expand your cultural identity outside of where you grew up, and see more of the world?
If you find that the nomadic lifestyle isn’t for you but you seriously wish to absorb the contents of another culture deeply, moving abroad might be a worthwhile option when you’re young and free. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, future employers can look at your travel experience as an asset, not a detriment, even if you weren’t working in particularly impressive fields during that span of time. What matters is your engagement with the world around you, as that shows tenacity, a sense of initiative, and the confidence to go alone.
You Wish To Understand Yourself
It’s not particularly uncommon, but still uncommon for people to be of one particular race, or set of cultural roots. Somewhere in their history they can trace their lineage to different areas, or to different cultures, or perhaps to something that happened long ago. For some this might be a trip into the deep annals of history, for some it might be as present as obvious as having both parents of a different race. Let us say your mother is Korean and your father was from New Zealand. Growing up in NZ, you love the culture you were surrounded with, but always wondered about your possible ‘second you,’ the person who you might have been had your parents decided to live in your mother’s home country.
Why can’t you achieve that now? Living somewhere that’s part of your identity can help you learn the culture where you came from, even if you only live there for one or two years. This can be enlightening, and help you feel a more expansive sense of self. On top of that, the benefit of being familiar with both cultures can give you a leg-up and advantage, to the point where this can feel more like a home-from-home situation before anything else. To us, that sounds quite freeing and interesting.
The Cultural Norms Fascinate You
It’s not uncommon for people to move simply because they absolutely adore a culture they were never raised in. For example, many from the USA think the UK is the picture of sophistication, and are enamored with the cultural diet they absorb through the country’s media reach.
They might prize things like good manners, relaxing mornings in the countryside, and the simple yet pleasant geography to be found. Someone might conversely find the hard work ethic, mutual respect and sense of personal responsibility found in Japan to be absolutely enrapturing. While these stereotypical views of countries can be very simplistic in their outlook, they do exist, and can adapt better to certain personalities. If you find yourself drawn to an environment - then why not explore it? It’s the only way you’ll know if it’s for you.
With these tips, we hope you’re better able to take that transition should you subconsciously seek it.