Recycled Pallet Furniture Helps Youth & Homelessness

A friend of mine created a fantastic coffee table for himself made out of a pallet and ever since I first saw it I’ve had pallet-envy! So I decided to do a bit of looking around on the Internet so see what sort of creations are being made by pallets both for indoor and outdoor furniture on Gumtree.
As I was looking around I stumbled on a Facebook page called and I thought it look interesting. As I looked further into the page I discovered something that touched me, the furniture is being hand made in 'Introduction to Construction' classes taught across Sydney as a Outreach based project, co-ordinated and taught by Philip Clarke, who takes a hands on approach helping hard core youth at risk of homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse and mental illness. He currently works with kids through Father Chris O'Rielly's Youth Off The Streets and other community funded organisations.

Palletable Furniture has 3 goals:
1. Market the great woodwork produced in class to the public 2. Raise much needed funds to continue and expand the initiative 3. Provide independence for those involved
Pretty impressive I think.

The furniture which is 'up-cycled' and 're-cycled' can take up to 2 weeks to complete and then sold to help buy more materials to keep developing this social enterprise.
You can get involved by purchasing a piece of furniture, offer some tools or donate timber for future projects.

Disclaimer: Sydney Chic collaborated with Gumtree for this post.