October Horoscopes by Jennifer Angel

NOVEMBER 2018 MONTHLY HOROSCOPES By Jennifer Angel A month to get straight about what you want and go for it!
Venus is in your love zone, so get ready to socialize, but as she is retrograde for the first half of November, be careful of accepting old habits back into your life. Mars highlights a financial opportunity that can come out of the blue, and possibly through a friend. A business opportunity can be good for your bank balance, too, so be prepared to kick start your competitive spirit. Get your long-term plans and goals in place for the future. This month, you can be idealistic as well as realistic – a perfect balance!
New Moon energy in your opposite sign, the area of relationships, gives you a new start with love. It can even be an opportunity to rebuild a friendship or situation with a co-worker. But don’t labor too much on what went wrong, sometimes, it’s best not to look back. Connections at work are valuable, and even if they can’t help you get ahead right now, they can come through for you in the future. Be careful with money matters, if you indulge in an indulgent spending spree, then make sure you do it consciously, not recklessly. Look for reliable ways to invest.
Full Moon energy in your sign can have you feeling like you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Remember, when life seems messy, it’s when things are about to change. During this month, make sure you focus on your health and wellbeing; don’t let it fall to the bottom of the list. Your love life is hot and happening over this next year. A social event or romantic rendezvous can turn out better than you think, but be careful not to force a situation, let it evolve naturally. Your career is busy, too. Get organized so you can achieve more than even you think is possible.
Your intuition is on fire this month, more so than usual, pay attention to it. And if you need time to yourself to reflect on life, then make sure you take it, those who know and love you will understand. This month, a creative project at work can get the green light. And if it’s love you’re looking for, you can cross paths with someone amazing, a relationship that can be unpredictable in some way, and possibly with someone from the past. If you are in a relationship, work together to move forward. Make time for your overall health and beauty so you feel on top of the world.
Your home and family affairs can have a new beginning in some way, a togetherness that brings everyone closer. If you have had an altercation with a friend or partner, you can now have a chance to patch things up, but you may need to be the one who opens your heart first. Keep in mind that differences are not always adversary, they can be complementary. With money and business, be creative, think big and think outside the box, and be prepared to negotiate.
Venus is retrograde in your solar second house and focuses your attention on money and security, as well on your self-worth and how worthy you feel of attracting what you want. Financial negotiations can come together, but don’t be in too much of a hurry. Play the chess game and let a negotiation take its natural course. The first half of the month is great for planning and the second for putting plans into action. Love is passionate; take control and tell someone how you feel. Family are close over this year, but don’t allow them to tell you what they feel you should or shouldn’t do. It’s your life to live.
This month brings new openings and options for work, particularly creative work and work that can provide a good financial return. However, as you move forward, be prepared to do more study or gather information that will assist you in a new venture. Set a solid plan for the future, and so you don’t get despondent, try not to schedule more than is humanly possible to achieve. And with Venus in your sign, love is hot in your stars. However, she is retrograde for the first half of the month, so beware you may need to deal with a post scenario. There is likely to be a situation that will require you to consider someone else’s feelings, suggestions and views.
This month’s new Moon is in your sign, and although there is plenty of activity in and around your sign, which can cause havoc, Moon energy helps you rise above any pettiness and look to the future with optimism. A positive attitude can overcome a lot of challenges. With money, get serious about a budget, and if investing, look at both the up and down side before parting with your hard-earned cash. Love can be special and romantic now, and if you are in a relationship, the main thing this month is to move your partnership to a more secure stage. For singles, look for someone who wants a commitment. Be careful of keeping secrets.
As Jupiter, your ruler, enters your sign, over this next year life can bring opportunities your way, but be careful not to just chase the dollar, it’s important to do what you love and love what you do. You’re one of the most inspired signs in the zodiac and your ability to cast your thoughts out to the universe with a grand plan in mind is a gift to be appreciated. But you also want to be realistic as to what can be achieved in a certain time frame. Full Moon energy in your relationship zone later in the month can heighten any tensions you may have encountered, but can also help you clear the energy to start afresh. Pay attention to your intuition.
An abundance of activity as well as Jupiter, in the sign before yours, will encourage you to get in touch with your grand dream. You will also be prompted to speak from your heart and say what you mean. But with cautious Saturn in your sign, you can take a step back and think through the consequences of your words or actions. A work project can have a stop/start effect with Venus retrograde, but will give you the time and space to fine tune. The second half of the month things can fall into place. Friends can be supportive now, and a conversation can clear the air. If love is destined, it will come together this month too, and in a passionate way.
The new Moon on the 7th opens the doorway for a new start at work; this is the commencement of your next 12-month career solar cycle. And with a virtual planetary traffic jam in your social area, events and get-togethers can present options for the future. A situation with friends and money can work out better than you think but think through all pros and cons before you do anything. In love, couples can deal with past irritations, with the option to forgive and forget, otherwise, there is also the option to part company and move on. For singles, consider what you are willing to compromise on.
A sudden development with family can have you rearranging your schedule, and if you are needed, then you will want to be there for them. A financial situation may not be within your control, but you can have an influence, and you have supportive people around you to offer advice. But don’t try to bring something to a close before everyone is ready; let it take its course. With Jupiter moving to your career zone, this is a year to set your sights high at work and go for your dreams. Love and intimacy is strong in your stars, and for love to be right, you need to feel it on a mind body and soul level. You can reconnect with someone from the past now, too.
NOVEMBER 2018, Monthly Planetary Overview by Jennifer Angel
Don’t Hold Back! November is a Month to be Brave, Bold and Daring!
The close of OCTOBER
The month of October concluded with beneficial, and almost destined type energy between the Scorpio Sun and Cancer Moon. The combined energy provided an opportunity to let go of emotional baggage that could be holding you back from attracting and embracing the life you desire. On the 30th, as Mercury enters Sagittarius, there’s a sense of adventure and optimism moving into November.
Week one – NOVEMBER 01-04
As thinking planet Mercury is now in Sagittarius, the month commences with a deluge of ideas and creativity from Mercury and, big picture grand dream thinking, in Sagittarius. Make the most of this energy, especially as Mercury will go retrograde mid-month. As such, now is the time to put thoughts into action, so you can spend the later half of the month fine tuning and planning.
Jupiter has a favorable interaction with Chiron on November 1st, which will help with letting go of past hurts, outdated scenarios, and just a lot of stuff you may have been dealing with during the past few months.
Week two – NOVEMBER 05-11
A water trine on the sixth of the month between Neptune and the Sun can be intense, but at the same time, if you can sit with your intuition, you can come up with some amazing ideas. It is a time when your imagination soars and your instinct is sharp. The new Moon on November 7th in Scorpio will also help you align with inner beliefs and feelings and the energy prompts you to step out of your comfort zone and move forward in a new direction. During this same time, Uranus will make its way back to Aries, and focuses your attention on your own needs, another good reason to stay focused on your personal priorities.
Jupiter, planet of abundance and growth, will make its annual move on November 8th and enters Sagittarius, the sign it rules, a once every twelve-year transit. This is a powerful position for Jupiter to be in. It is important during this transit over this next year to keep a positive outlook. Get in touch with where you want to end up and place your energy and attention on your dreams, hopes, goals and wishes. At the same time, Venus and Mars interact, which will place more emphasis on love, relationships and togetherness.
Week three – NOVEMBER 12-18
On the 15th, motivational planet Mars finally moves out of Aquarius where it has had an extended stay and as it enters Pisces, creativity is born, your imagination and intuition is heightened. An dreams can become a reality. The next day, on the 16th, Venus, the planet of love and money, comes out of retrograde and will allow you to move on from past relationships that no longer serve you in a positive manner. This same day, while Venus come out of retrograde, Mercury, thinking planet, turns retrograde in Sagittarius, which will give you a chance to rethink, fine-tune, plan or adjust your big vision plan. This is the time to get a workable plan in place.
Week four - NOVEMBER 19-25
This is a big week! With planetary activity as well celebrations in the USA for Thanksgiving, it’s a time to be grateful for life and those you share it with. The week kicks off on the 19th with a Mars Jupiter interaction and in mutable signs, so it’s a good sign that things can be worked through for suitable outcomes for all parties. The Sun will enter Sagittarius on 22nd, and right opposite Sagittarius, the full Moon in Gemini on the same day will keep things lively and entertaining.
November 24th, Neptune will finally come out of retrograde after a five-month transit and this energy will encourage you to get in touch with your dreams and help you decide to go for it. The following day, on the 25th, the annual connection between the powerful Sun and abundant Jupiter is a time to stay positive and focus your attention on what you want, rather than what you don’t want. This is considered to be the luckiest day in the annual astral calendar. Make sure both your energy and outlook are nothing short of optimistic.
Week five - NOVEMBER 26-30
Communication planet Mercury is in the spotlight this week. On the 26th, Mercury and Mars interact, cautioning you not to speak harshly or impulsively – in other words, think before you speak. If you do get into trouble, all can be forgiven the next day, 27th, as Mercury favorably connects with both the Sun and Jupiter. And the month will close with Venus and Uranus in opposition on the 30th, bringing your attention up close and personal with relationships. Be prepared to either forget and forget or let go and move on.
Moving into December, with Venus entering Scorpio, and Mercury moving back to Scorpio in its retrograde transit, the month begins with relationships being intense and verbal. The Sun and Mars in a challenging aspect can add extra tension to any situation you find impossible to ignore. Say what you mean but be mindful that a little diplomacy can go a long way in softening what could be a sensitive discussion.

Jennifer is resident astrologer to one of America’s most successful celebrity and entertainment magazines – Star!
Perhaps most well known for her work in New York’s Daily News, with a following of over one million readers, Jennifer attracted even more followers at NYDailyNews.com with weekly videos, articles, including predictions on celebrity couples, sports teams, mayors, and presidents.